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2 projets européens trouvés

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Investigation of Bird Strike criteria for Natural Laminar Flow wings (BirdStrike)

Date du début: 1 janv. 2013, Date de fin: 30 juin 2016,

The BirdStrike project aims to establish a validated bird strike analysis capability, which enables the SFWA partners to simulate bird impact on a CFRP leading edge for a NLF wing. This will be achieved by setting up a combined program of test and analysis to determine the extent of damage and criteria to be applied to analyses of leading edge panels for NLF wings.The main scientific and technical ...
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PERL (Partnership for Education and Research about Responsible Living) is a partnership of researchers and educators, aware of the urgent need for individuals and society to significantly rethink and reorient the choices they make and the manner in which they live their lives in order to reduce the negative impacts of climate change and financial instability, ensure more just distribution of resou ...
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