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4 projets européens trouvés

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"Citizens are getting older and are increasingly living with chronic diseases, because although their health condition is better than that of earlier generations, they live longer helped by advanced medical care ending up to chronic conditions and minor disabilities well manageable by home care. This has highlighted shared concerns by regional Governments about implications for future provision of ...
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"The manufacturing of plastic products has dramatically decreased during the last years. Therefore, several SMEs are opening their market to a wide range of not exploited sectors and developing advanced/innovative products through the use of cutting edge technologies. The hand pallet truck (HPT) production has been identified as one possible application where techno-plastics could play a crucial r ...
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Intellectual Property Rights for SEE (IPRforSEE)

Date du début: 31 déc. 2008, Date de fin: 29 juin 2011,

The need for IPR-related support services for SMEs is based on the reasoning that the system of IPR has gained importance over the past twenty years however, SMEs seem to use this system to a much lesser extent than large firms. Reasons usually forwarded for such behaviour are primarily related to costs, enforcement issues and/or lack of awareness on IPR issues on the side of the SMEs. This overal ...
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Dissemination of IPP tools in the furniture industry (LAIPP)

Date du début: 1 oct. 2004, Date de fin: 31 mars 2007,

Background The challenge of globalization requires a greater effort from companies to increase the quality of their products. Recently, European governments have started a process of developing markets which is based on the Integrated Product Policy - (IPP). The main goal of IPP is to develop technical guidelines, tools and services for the enterprises of ...
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