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2 projets européens trouvés

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Advanced Pilots of Living Labs Operating in Networks (APOLLON)

Date du début: 1 nov. 2009, Date de fin: 31 mai 2012,

The APOLLON project proposal addresses the call of the European Commission to pilot and share best practices in cross-border Living labs networks. The core focus of Living Labs is to improve the R&D process by early participation and clustering of end users and business stakeholders, including SMEs. APOLLON will demonstrate the positive impacts of collaborative cross-border Living Lab networking b ...
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Ever increasing competition in international markets drives manufacturers to shorten design cycles and reduce manufacturing times and costs for their products. This trend generates a demand for smart, flexible and faster machining systems, which are easy to set up and configure and able to drastically increase productivity, while improving final accuracy. Therefore the primary goal is to achieve c ...
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