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21 projets européens trouvés

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Date du début: 15 mai 2015, Date de fin: 14 mai 2019,

Euromix aim to develop an experimentally verified, tiered strategy for the risk assessment of mixtures of multiple chemicals derived from multiple sources across different life stages. The project takes account of the gender dimension and balances the risk of chemicals present in foods against the benefits of those foods.Important concepts for this new strategy are prioritisation criteria for chem ...
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Date du début: 1 janv. 2016, Date de fin: 31 déc. 2018,

FOWARIM (Fostering Water-Agriculture Research and Innovation in Malta) objective is to strengthen the research capacity of the Malta College of Arts, Science & Technology (MCAST)’s Water Research and Training Centre in 4 crucial themes related to the field of water use in agriculture: (a) Decreasing Water Demand, (b) Making Use of Alternative Sources of Water (c) Renewable Desalinization, On-Farm ...
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This coordinating action will focus on climate action, resource efficiency and raw materials issues and will aim to enhance collaboration between researchers in the EU and the ASEAN region . Addressing these issues in a coherent way is vital for sustainable development that leads to economic prosperity, social cohesion and environmental integrity. Both regions have developed innovative ideas to re ...
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Animal diseases can cause serious social, economic and environmental damage and in some cases also threaten human health. An increasing number of the major disease problems or threats faced by the livestock industry and zoonoses are of a global nature. The overall aim of the global strategic alliances for the coordination of research on the major infectious diseases of animals is to improve coordi ...
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This horizontal ERA-NET proposal is cutting across several themes in the Cooperation Programme: Theme 2 (Food, Agriculture and Fisheries, and Biotechnology), Theme 3 (Information and Communication Technologies) and Theme 6 (Environment including Climate Change). The overall strategic objective - also beyond the time frame of the ERA-NET proposal - is a contribution to increase quality, effectivene ...
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"Eco-innovations (EI), i.e. “green” technologies, processes, products and services have an increasing impact for the global competitiveness of European industry. To reach a worldwide leading position, it needs to boost the implementation of EI in industry, especially in SMEs. The ERA-Net on EI will support research and dissemination in the field of EI.The success of EI is determined by criteria th ...
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Towards integrated European marine research strategy and programmes (SEAS ERA)

Date du début: 1 mai 2010, Date de fin: 30 avr. 2014,

This proposal is intended to take into account the ongoing and previous integrating initiatives (AMPERA, marinERA, Marifish,...) so as to constitute a stable and durable structure for coordination and integration of national and regional marine and maritime research programmes with the major goal of providing a clear reply to the need for developing and implementing common research strategies and ...
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IST-Africa (2012 - 2013) is a strategic collaboration between 1 European partner and 18 African Ministries and National Councils responsible for ICT /STI adoption, policy and research representing North Africa (Egypt, Tunisia), Southern Africa (South Africa, Namibia, Lesotho, Mauritius, Mozambique, Botswana, Swaziland, Malawi), East Africa (Tanzania, Uganda, Kenya, Burundi, Ethiopia), West Africa ...
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The European Union calls for action to combat climate change and to limit global warming to no more than 2°C above pre-industrial temperatures. A central role is ascribed to local authorities and their citizens in order to ensure the implementation and execution of European and national policies. EnercitEE seeks to practically implement the goals of the European Commission focusing on the objectiv ...
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Date du début: 9 juin 2010, Date de fin: 9 sept. 2013,

BALTIC SEA CLEAN SHIPPING (CLEANSHIP), is part of the EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region, and has by the EU Commission become selected as a strategic flagship project in its mission to make the Baltic Sea a model region for clean shipping. It promotes measures to reduce emissions from ships to the atmosphere and elaborates ways to promote infrastructure for bunkering of LNG and increased use of ...
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Sustainable Uses of Baltic Marine Resources (SUBMARINER)

Date du début: 10 juin 2010, Date de fin: 9 sept. 2013,

...eld of innovative and sustainable uses of Baltic marine resources. It is a new flagship of the priority area Innovation within the revised EUSBSR Action Plan. The Ministry of Economic Affairs in Schleswig-Holstein together with the Swedish Agency for Marine and Water Management and the Maritime Institute in Gda?sk act as SUBMARINER Network flagship project leaders.The SUBMARINER Network was offici ...
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European coordination action on human biomonitoring (COPHES)

Date du début: 1 déc. 2009, Date de fin: 30 nov. 2012,

This proposal has been elaborated by a consortium of 35 partners coming from 27 European countries and including scientists, government institutions and authorities, NGOs and industry. The main goal is to develop a coherent approach to HBM in Europe as requested by ACTION 3 of the EU Environment and Health Action Plan through coordination of ongoing and planned HBM activities. The project will exp ...
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Management and monitoring of deep-sea fisheries and stocks (DEEPFISHMAN)

Date du début: 1 avr. 2009, Date de fin: 30 sept. 2012,

"Deepwater fisheries pose particular difficulties for management. Target species are difficult to assess with high levels of uncertainty, they are generally vulnerable to overfishing and sustainable levels of exploitation are low. Ecosystems are impacted by fishing due to the removal of target species, bycatch of numerous fish and other organisms and the crushing of benthos such as e.g. cold water ...
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maNET - Permafrost long-term monitoring network (PermaNET)

Date du début: 30 juin 2008, Date de fin: 13 juil. 2011,

Permafrost is highly sensitive to climatic changes. Permafrost degradation and related natural hazards affect traffic routes, tourism areas, settlements and infrastructures. The main problem is a lacking strategy for the consideration of these newly observed specific impacts of climate change in risk prevention and territorial development. With the joint development of a common strategy for dealin ...
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Eastern Mediterranean Biodiversity Panorama (EMBD PANORAMA)

Date du début: 31 mai 2006, Date de fin: 29 avr. 2008,

The Eastern Mediterranean (EMed) biodiversity is threatened by the increased exploitation of the environment. Currently, related knowledge and collections are scattered around the EMed area and northern European institutions. The project EMBD PANORAMA will establish a network of reference for EMed biodiversity where scientists, government officials, students, and potentially anyone may be informed ...
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The availability of secure and efficient regional energy systems is an essential prerequisite for regional development, particularly for structurally weak regions. In its Green Paper on the Security of Energy Supply, the European Commission singled out heating as the largest energy sink that is mainly based on fossil and imported fuels. Municipalities play a key role, as they are suppliers of (dis ...
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New Bioenergy Business During Emission Trading (ET-BIOENERGY)

Date du début: 6 janv. 2005, Date de fin: 5 janv. 2007,

The biomass resources are significant in the Baltic Sea Region. However, the utilisation rate as well as the price level differs a lot from country to country. Most of biomass based fuels are utilised locally within short transportation distances. There has already been some international wood fuel trade, mainly in refined form (e.g. wood pellets), but also as wood fuels like logs and chips. The m ...
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River Basin Agenda Alpine Space (River Basin Agenda)

Date du début: 30 avr. 2003, Date de fin: 27 févr. 2006,

The risk potential in river basins has risen sharply throughout Europe due to the enormous pressures of utilization in the narrow valleys. In order to improve safety for the valley populations, increased, sustained inter-regional and transnational commitment is required. The Alpine River Basin Agenda thereby makes innovative contributions in 10 selected river basins: - from working focussed on the ...
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The Waste Training Tool project will develop a flexible, interactive, waste management training tool on CD-Rom for use primarily by SMEs in the planning and implementation of effective waste management.Tighter control on environmental impacts and growing recognition of the inherent value of waste requires companies to have a more detailed understanding of their resource consumption, process effici ...
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The project proposal aims at professionalizing Higher Education and particularly environmental studies within three areas of specialisation through the implementation of the Bologna Process at all three levels, BA-MA and PhD. It will foster as well the cooperation between EU and Central Asia in the field of environmental studies and prepare future managers and specialists in Central Asia in order ...
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We are building a community in our own network by using European stimulants with all envisioned stakeholders to collaborate for sustainable development. We all live the development circle within the multilateral network. We aim to collect and examine existing good practices of school-community collaboration in order to foster the formation of similar networks working together for sustainability th ...
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