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4 projets européens trouvés

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Innovation in District Heating (Inno-Heat)

Date du début: 30 juin 2011, Date de fin: 30 déc. 2014,

The largely inefficient energy systems arond the South Baltic impact the environment and economic growth. The challenge is to increase commitment among decision makers, energy companies, local and regional authorities for energy saving investments. District heating is a technology in wide-spread use, and the advantages are well known among experts, and some decision makers. There are large opportu ...
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...ocess: 06-07/01/04 The first meeting clarified the overall objectives of the project as well as a brainstorm of relevant workshops and project components. Project partners present: Storstroem County, Lund University and Delft University of Technology. Also present: two external consultants. 10-11/03/04 The second meeting focused on establishing the financial management structure, choosing relevant ...
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Eco Forum Baltica (Eco Forum Baltica )

Date du début: 31 mai 2002, Date de fin: 30 déc. 2004,

Eco Forum Baltica has two main objectives; to promote the development and knowledge on Environmental Management Systems (EMS) in companies (mainly SMEs) and authorities in Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania and Poland and to develop the Spatial planning process (starting in the Harju region) and integrating Waste management/EMS perspectives in this process. The project is based on Eco Forum St Petersburg, ...
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...e issues in your business you might gain a competitive advantage which can profit the whole region. The project will develop the course as a cross border course with classes both at the University of Lund and at Copenhagen Business School and with a virtual network for the participants. The longterm goal of the project is that the course can exist after the project and that 2000 business people ha ...
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