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3 projets européens trouvés

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Combining Optics and SDN In next Generation data centre Networks (COSIGN)

Date du début: 1 janv. 2014, Date de fin: 31 déc. 2016,

The role of Data Centres (DCs) is vital for the Future Internet. However, DC infrastructures are already stressed by data volumes and service provisioning and consumption trends. Emerging demands cannot be addressed by today's DCs and call for a massive redesign or even transformation of DC architectures.COSIGN proposes a new DC architecture empowered by advanced optical technologies and will demo ...
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The Mode-Gap project targets the 100 fold enhancement of the overall capacity of broadband core networks, and seeks to provide Europe with a lead in the development of the next generation internet infrastructure that will soon be desperately needed if we are to keep pace with societies ever increasing data-transmission requirements. It is now recognized that research results are within a factor of ...
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The PHASORS project targets the development and applications of fibre based Phase Sensitive Amplifier (PSA) technology in 40Gbit/s broadband core networks, and seeks to provide Europe with a lead in this important yet relatively unexplored area. PSAs have the potential to be a disruptive technology within future optical communications, enabling ultra-low noise amplifiers and a host of important ul ...
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