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5 projets européens trouvés

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G.S.R. aims to contribute substantially to sustainable socio-economic development of SEE regions, through effectively tackling one of the most crucial issues: The quality and sustainability of the Public Sector and of its outcomes. Specifically G.S.R. focuses on the dynamic enhancement of the competences and the capacity of the governmental agencies, with the aim not only to improve productivity a ...
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The project "EMBRACE" aims to design, develop and implement specific spatial development policies, initiatives and actions for the benefit of SMEs located in rural and undeveloped urban areas. Their access to Knowledge and the Information Society should be increased. "EMBRACE" intends to establish a pilot virtual network, available both online and offline, where SMEs can have access to a wide rang ...
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The creation and development of healthy and successful innovative SMEs play a catalyst role in the growth of the economy through innovation and employment. Unfortunately, however, enterprises, especially innovative small and medium sized enterprises fail to grow or even form due to lack of capital. The SEED-REG project was initiated with the aim of examining possible actions for the bridging of th ...
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...ected financial gap in early stage financing and also a low level utilization of quality innovative projects in Hungary and Slovenia. To overcome these problems the participating transferee partners, INNOSTART National Business and Innovation Centre and Technology Park Ljubljana, have launched a number of initiatives and actions to facilitate enterprises to get access to early stage finances. Howe ...
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Project FASTER aims at transferring durable, sustainable and implemented in a larger area training programme for supporting high-growth oriented Entrepreneurs to four New Member States, namely Poland, Hungary, Czech Republic and Cyprus. High-growth oriented entrepreneurs are those who expect to employ 20 people or more within the next five years. This number represents a size where a business have ...
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