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4 projets européens trouvés

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...t four years, 25 staff members (including our Deputy Head and our fund manager) and 59 pupils from different vocational paths have taken part in mobility projects involving three different host countries: England, Spain and Sweden.The aim of our project is to make our school, Isnelle Amelin, an International Vocational School by 2017.To meet this goal, our training offer will be completed by 2017 ...
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Date du début: 1 sept. 2015, Date de fin: 31 août 2017,

...ntified by the four partner schools: low entrepreneurial drive and uncertainty about future labour options among students, the necessity of stronger relationships between schools and social work entities in their communities, and the scarce participation of youth in local cultural organisations and community centres. The main target participants are students of art, in an average number of 120 pup ...
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...ears, 25 staff members (among whom our Deputy Head and our fund manager) and 59 pupils belonging to every professional section have taken part in mobility projects involving three different host counties: Great-Britain, Spain and Sweden. The aim of our project is to make our school, Isnelle Amelin, become an International Vocational School by 2017. By then, our training offer should be supplement ...
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Formación de profesorado actual y potencial del proyecto bilingüe

Date du début: 1 juil. 2014, Date de fin: 30 juin 2015,

...glish in an Educational Environment. Training for the third group of teachers consists of 4 courses on Methodology of language learning, Developing Oral Fluency in students and new classroom technologies. These training actions pretend a multiple impact in the scool community: (1) to strengthen the bilingual programme in order to meet increasing demand in the next five years; (2) to enrol other ty ...
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