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2 projets européens trouvés

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Background Textile industries commonly create wastewater containing potentially hazardous contaminants for the environment. Dye compounds are one of the wastewater contaminants that often need special treatment. T he percentages of unfixed dyes remaining in wastewater can range from approximately 1% in pigments to as much as 50% for reactives. The reacti ...
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Environment in Clouds 2015

Date du début: 1 avr. 2015, Date de fin: 30 juin 2015,

Environment In Clouds 2015 is an international youth exchange that will be taking place in Maribor (May 3rd, 2014 – May 10th, 2014), and is organized by the Association for Film Culture Development (Slovenia), Identities (Italy), Fundacion Universitaria San Aantonio de Cartagena (Spain), and Asociatia Support for Youth Developement (Romania). Guided by 4 youth workers, the 36 creative youngsters ( ...
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