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4 projets européens trouvés

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eGovPoliNet sets up an international community in ICT solutions for governance and policy modelling. The international community of researchers and practitioners will share and advance research and insights from practical cases around the world. To achieve this, eGovPoliNet will build on experiences accumulated by leading actors bringing together the innovative knowledge of the field. Capabilities ...
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The NET-EUCEN project will create, animate and manage a working network of stakeholders in the Governance and Policy Modelling domains belonging to all the European countries and with relevant knowledge of massive on-line service fruition and eInclusion policies and interests, thus covering the whole supply chain of the Service for Users (S4U). The project will address the following specific objec ...
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Roadmap Enabling Vision and Strategy for ICT-enabled Energy Efficiency (REViSITE)

Date du début: 1 févr. 2010, Date de fin: 30 avr. 2012,

REViSITE will contribute to the formation of a European multidisciplinary 'ICT for energy-efficiency' research community by bringing together the ICT community and 4 important and complementary application sectors: grids, building/construction, manufacturing and lighting.The objectives of REViSITE are to: (1) Establish communication between sectoral ICT4EE communities in the 4 key industrial domai ...
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So far, several EU funded projects and other initiatives have taken up the challenge of Promoting sustainable development, Ensuring security and diversity of energy supply, Improving industrial competitiveness, Enhancing economic and social cohesion; furthermore, very valuable research work has been carried out in the past, but the gap to the market(s) and to the full inclusion of the nowadays tec ...
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