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8 projets européens trouvés

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Utveksling mellom 5 yrkesskoler

Date du début: 3 sept. 2016, Date de fin: 2 sept. 2018,

The reason why the project was started relates to a situation in 2005 where the school had graduates who did not complete training due to lack of apprenticeships. Goldsmith Companies in Norway are often small, and having apprentices involves both financial obligations and challenges concerning the localities. As a training company, it is often difficult to cover the entire width of the "curriculum ...
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Europe is laid out for you

Date du début: 1 juil. 2016, Date de fin: 30 juin 2018,

By means of this project ROC Ter AA would like to enable all students and professionals of various departments within the school access to internships abroad, where they can experience other (work) cultures. This experience will allow them to place themselves into their professional future and in the world.These students and professionals from the 7 colleges: construction and design, business, ser ...
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Mobilities for students and staff in vocational education

Date du début: 1 juin 2015, Date de fin: 31 mai 2017,

There are several groups in the project, different student groups and levels as well as teachers. There are basic courses students within jewelers, electricians, car mechanics, carpenters and blacksmiths. There will be accompanying teachers from some of the branches for emitting basic pupils. For electrician basic course students training at Tromsø maritme skole, a subject teacher will participate ...
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Europe gives you extra opportunities.

Date du début: 1 juin 2015, Date de fin: 31 mai 2017,

By means of this project ROC Ter AA would like to enable all students and professionals of various departments within the school access to internships abroad, where they can experience other (work) cultures. This experience will allow them to place themselves into their professional future and in the world. These students and professionals from the 7 colleges: construction and design, business, se ...
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Sharing to success

Date du début: 1 juin 2015, Date de fin: 31 mai 2017,

A house painting teacher plans to visit KTS Copenhagen to study teaching in decorative painting. The School of Building and Construction plans to offer students courses in decorative painting in the spring of 2016, the visit is a part of the preparations for teaching and course descriptions. A teacher of marine engineering will be going to work (job shadowing) in Linné uni. in Sweden. He will get ...
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Mobilities for students and staff in vocational education

Date du début: 1 juin 2015, Date de fin: 31 mai 2017,

..., and teachers at these two departments at TMS. There will be accompanying teachers from the various relevant departments by the mobility of students at Level 1. For for electro education students to EUCL there will be two teachers accompanying them and share knowledge with their Danish colleagues and participating in teaching. The same applies to students in technical and industrial production. A ...
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Focus on North European trades, skills and traditions within selected VET areas

Date du début: 1 juin 2015, Date de fin: 31 mai 2017,

Málmsmiðir og vélvirkjar eru markhópurinn fyrir nemendaskiptin við EUC Lillebaelt. Nemendur sem taka þátt í verkefninu eru á aldrinum 17 – 19 og er eru þeir á öðru til þriðja ári í námi. Við munum velja nemendur sem hafa áhuga á auka faglega þekkingu sína. Þeir þurfa að geta unnið sjálfstætt að verkefnum og hafa nægilega faglega færni og áhuga til að auka við hæfni sína. Heimsókn þeirra mun verða ...
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Learn and share

Date du début: 1 juin 2014, Date de fin: 31 mai 2016,

...mendahóps frá Byggingatækniskólanum. Þau fengu ítarlega kynningu á námskrá skólans, kennsluaðferðum og starfsþjálfunaraðferðum. Kennari í gull- og silfursmíði fór til EUC Lillebælt í maí 2015 til þess að taka þátt í hópvinnu og umræðum með kennurum skólans og undirbúa heimsókn nemenda Tækniskólans. Hún tók einnig fjögurra daga námskeið í afsteypugerð og "repossé" við skólann og kynnti sér uppset ...
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