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4 projets européens trouvés

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EnReMilk will achieve significant water and energy savings in representative dairy case studies, mozzarella and milk powder production, across the supply chain. The dairy industry is an important food industry sector with sales of €124.3 billion and added value of €17.4 billion p.a. It is a high energy and water consumer, both overall and per unit production: up to 6.47 MWh (5.55 MWhth and 0.92 MW ...
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The MicroMilk project (Grant Agreement Number: 262603) funded by the R4SME programme (call identifier: FP7-SME-2010-1) delivered high quality science and technology development. MicroMilk involved the RTD of a novel process to facilitate cost-effective, energy efficient and flexible processing of a wide range of different milk variants, including those with high viscosities with minimum start-up a ...
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Designing Safer Urban Spaces (DESURBS)

Date du début: 1 janv. 2011, Date de fin: 31 déc. 2014,

The DESURBS project makes significant and novel advances with the following developments: 1) An urban space security event database that includes incidents or ‘near misses’ that have (or might have) resulted in injury or loss of life, damage to urban spaces, the auxiliary infrastructures supporting those spaces, or the surrounding natural environment 2) An integrated security and resilience (ISR) ...
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Nutritional and shelf stable milk by novel microwave processing (MicroMilk)

Date du début: 1 nov. 2010, Date de fin: 31 oct. 2012,

We are a consortium of European SMEs that has identified a promising low energy, time efficient and easy to clean microwave milk processing system that can improve nutritional value and taste of milk and milk products due to shorter heating times required to reach the holding temperatures during heating. Microwave heating will enhance the advantages of UHT (Ultra High Temperature) milk by improvin ...
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