Rechercher des projets européens

4 projets européens trouvés

Recherche sur 125080 projets européens

Az Észak-Magyarországi Régió (ezen belül a Bükki Nemzeti Park Igazgatóság működési területe / és a szlovákiai oldal), illetve a Szlovák-karszt Nemzeti Park és a Cseres-hegység Tájvédelmi Körzet védett természeti területei nemzetközi viszonylatban is jelentős földtudományi értékekben (barlangok, források, geológiai alapszelvények) bővelkednek. Ezek megóvása és bemutatása kiemelt feladata a természe ...
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The primary motivation of this project is to achieve the aims of the Natura 2000 habitat network and the Water Framework Directive. The final contribution of the EU member states to the Natura 2000 network depends on the number of types, the extension and distribution of habitat types, as well as on the number, extension and the population size of species found in the country´s territory. All memb ...
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New study trails are established as well as the already existing study trails and demonstration sites are systematised by the Bükk National Park Directorate in the border region, at its operation area identical with the programme area along the thematics of introducing nature conservation activities and management plans, by using an infrastructure with uniform image (boards, information points, r ...
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A Geopark is an area with a geological heritage of significance, with a coherent and strong management structure and where a sustainable economic development strategy is in place. A Geopark creates enhanced employment opportunities for the people who live there bringing sustainable and real economic benefit, usually through the development of sustainable tourism. In the framework of a Geopark, geo ...
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