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7 projets européens trouvés

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The Solar Cooling System is particularly innovative from a technological point of view. It allows to cool and refresh environments using the air conditioning system powered by the heat produced by solar panels, that are traditionaly used to produce hot water, instead of using electrical energy to power traditional air conditioners. This type of system, for the way it operates, consumes almost excl ...
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Skill development organizational models, tools, and networking between the world of scientific research and local economic stakeholders in the web of cross-border regions. Expected Results: Establish an effective and sustainab ...
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Central Europe Branch Based Innovation Support (CEBBIS)

Date du début: 31 mars 2010, Date de fin: 29 sept. 2012,

...velopment of CEBBIS Network of Competence”, in order to establish and organize the centres in the most functional way. The identification of almost 20 pro-innovative services, divided in five key areas - technology services, networking, customer relationship, idea screening and multiproject management - has permitted to carry on a series of pilot actions in collaboration with SMEs. The pilot actio ...
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Tartanet, a network for the conservation of sea turtles in Italy (TARTANET)

Date du début: 1 nov. 2004, Date de fin: 31 oct. 2008,

...h were tested, and an awareness-raising campaign, aimed in particular at local fishermen, was carried out. The second project aimed to identify, through satellite data, important (Tursiops truncatus) areas, monitor their population and analyse its interaction with fishing activities. Objectives Co-financed by the Italian ...
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Science and technology park co-operation in EU-Future Region (TECPARKNET)

Date du début: 30 avr. 2003, Date de fin: 30 déc. 2005,

...and industry, in particular SMEs, - Access to special high-level skills, know-how and experts in each partner region for all actors involved, thus to enhance competitiveness of the entire cooperation area, - Higher level of motivation, activation and integration of SMEs for cooperation projects at transnational level, - Creation of a sustainable network and partnership of technology parks in the c ...
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Development of a new training course for environmentally friendly innovation management : The aim of the project is to convey, with the help of training modules, supplementary knowledge and supplementary qualifications in the area of product and process innovation in the environmental area to business employees. This project started in 2002 and lasted 24 months.
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...on model will be subsequently adapted to other regional and national contexts and will be easily replicated in other MED regions, contributing to the growth, competitiveness and employment in the MED area. To achieve transferability and replicability of project results a strong communication campaign has been planned, including transnational and local awareness raising initiatives, exploiting part ...
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