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3 projets européens trouvés

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The consortium has chosen the topic of circular economy (CE) as the focus of this project, because it concerns the transition from a take – make – use – dispose model that depletes natural resources and destroys ecosystems to a circular model where the value of products, materials and resources is maintained in the economy for as long as possible and the generation of waste is minimized. It has be...
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We will develop and implement a new toolkit to enable national, regional and local labor market forecasters to ensure that they are able to support the alignment of VET policy and economic development strategy, in line with the priorities of the European Commission. This will be transferred through an existing network of labor market observatories operating throughout Europe. The ERASMUS+ Program ...
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The availability of information across Europe about certain economic sectors’ and companies’ demands is a complex, but key area when facing youth unemployment, low employability or mismatches between supply and demand. The European Commission has presented a package of concrete measures to promote the recovery of employment in Europe including a number of recommendations for member states to mobil...
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