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17 projets européens trouvés

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Municipal solids waste (MSW) are collected by municipalities and represents more than 500 kg/capita (EU-27 average), 300 million tonnes overall every year in the EU-32. Currently, approximately 50% of this volume is landfilled. More than 1.3 million tonnes of Marine rest raw material (MRRM) are generated in Europe each year. Some countries, such as Norway and Denmark, have traditionally for anima ...
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Fuel and chemicals from lignin through enzymatic and chemical conversion (FALCON)

Date du début: 1 janv. 2017, Date de fin: 31 déc. 2020,

The transition to a biobased economy puts strong challenges on researchers and industry to develop sustainable processes. 2G biofuel plants use waste streams as substrates, but themselves generate a new waste stream of lignin-rich sludge that is left after saccharification of the carbohydrates. This waste stream is expected to exponentially increase with an increasing number of 2G bioethanol plant ...
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Europe's position in the production of biochemicals from biomass and by-products is limited to a few compounds, while their demand is among the largest in the world. However, Europe has a lot of world leader chemical companies. On the other hand, lignocellulosic waste constitutes one of the most abundant resources without competing with food chain.REHAP’s 16 partners aim at revalorizing agricultur ...
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Surfactants and emulsifiers constitute an important class of chemical agents that are widely used in almost every sector of modern industry. The huge market demand is currently met almost exclusively by synthetic, mainly petroleum-based, chemical products, which are usually non-biodegradable and mostly toxic or GM plant based products (used in foods), which are undesirable by some end-users. Their ...
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"NanoPack will demonstrate a solution for extending food shelf life by using novel smart antimicrobial surfaces, applied in active food packaging products. It will run pilot lines in operational industrial environments to manufacture commercially feasible antimicrobial polymer films, accepted by consumers. It will minimize the amount of preservatives required to maintain freshness, add value and a ...
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Demonstrating more efficient enzyme production to increase biogas yields (DEMETER)

Date du début: 1 août 2016, Date de fin: 31 juil. 2019,

Genencor International BV has recently developed a new enzyme product, C1-LC4, that in recent field trials has shown a promising 10% cost-reduction in the production of biogas from organic waste. Although the efficacy of the enzyme has clearly been shown, the current fermentation process does not provide sufficient yield in industrial production to be cost-effective for large-scale application.The ...
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Sugar beet pulp (SBP) accounts for approx. 13 million tonnes in Europe and is a major residual stream from the sugar beet industry, which is currently valorised as low value feed and/or green gas. In order to increase the value of its side streams, PULP2VALUE developed multiple extraction techniques to isolate more valuable products from this large fraction of sugar beet pulp. Roughly 65% of the ...
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SUPERBIO focuses on the biobased economy. This emerging economy relies on the use of biomass (e.g. plants, waste) as renewable raw material for the production of new or existing products. The technologies used are a combination of biochemistry, biotechnology, chemistry and processing technology. The cluster coordinating SUPERBIO (GBEV) has already more than 3 years’ experience in building new biob ...
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This project aims to develop new processes and solve bottlenecks in the fermentative production of biosurfactants and specialty carbohydrates. Specifically, the project targets the development of innovative fermentation processes to produce the following compounds:1. Glycolipid biosurfactants. The project targets four distinct classes of biosurfactants, specifically rhamnolipids, sophor ...
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The purpose of the 2G BIOPIC project is to demonstrate the performance, the reliability and the sustainability, of the whole value chain of production of bioethanol from agricultural residues and wood. 2G BIOPIC aims to design, construct and optimize a second generation (2G) demonstration plant with a capacity of 1 T of biomass/h. This 2G plant is based on the scale-up and optimization of bioethan ...
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Research Infrastructure for Circular Forest Bioeconomy (ERIFORE)

Date du début: 1 janv. 2016, Date de fin: 31 janv. 2018,

The ERIFORE will realize the European potential to consolidate its place as a world leader in biomass based research and innovations. ERIFORE builds on a new firm alliance aiming to establish open access distributed forest bioeconomy research infrastructure across Europe enabling scientific discoveries to be transferred to new business models, novel products and services enabling sustainable growt ...
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NanoBioEngineering of BioInspired BioPolymers (Nano3Bio)

Date du début: 1 oct. 2013, Date de fin: 30 sept. 2017,

The Nano3Bio project convenes a consortium of world renowned experts from 8 EU universities, 1 large company, and 14 SME, to develop biotechnological production systems for nanoformulated chitosans. Chitosans, chitin-derived polysaccharides varying in their degree of polymerisation (DP), degree of acetylation (DA), and pattern of acetylation (PA), are among the most versatile and most promising bi ...
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Bringing innovative industrial biotechnology research to the market (IB2MARKET)

Date du début: 1 déc. 2013, Date de fin: 31 mai 2016,

IB2Market aims to bring industrial biotechnology from the research lab to the market and to solve the bottle-necks in industrialisation. Specifically, the project targets the development and scale-up of new industrial biotechnology processes that have recently been developed to produce the following compounds:1. Biosurfactants, tensioactive ingredients with a wide range of applications. Specifical ...
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Bio Base NWE

Date du début: 31 déc. 2011, Date de fin: 30 déc. 2015,

The transition to a sustainable. bio-based economy is one of the major challenges for Europe today. The present economy depends heavily on fossil and non-renewable resources. causing depletion of resources. increasing environmental pressures and climate change. This model can not be sustained in the long run. In the bio-based economy. biomass replaces non-renewable resources for the production o ...
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"This project aims to create new-to-nature and tailor-made biosurfactants through metabolic engineering of the unconventional yeast Candida bombicola. Biosurfactants produced by fermentation offer a worthy alternative to traditional surfactants, which are typically derived from non-renewable petrochemical resources and may cause environmental problems due to their ecotoxicity and poor biodegradabi ...
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Novel Biocatalysts for the Production of Glycosides (NOVOSIDES)

Date du début: 1 déc. 2010, Date de fin: 30 nov. 2014,

This project aims to develop novel biocatalysts for the production of glycosides (NOVOSIDES). Glycosylated compounds have a wide range of applications, but very few enzymes are able to glycosylate small organic molecules cost-efficiently at the industrial scale. Therefore, glycosylation reactions catalysed by transglycosidases, glycoside phosphorylases and glycoside hydrolases will be explored in ...
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Bio Base Europe

Date du début: 31 déc. 2008, Date de fin: 30 déc. 2011,

Het project heeft tot doel twee knelpunten op te lossen. Enerzijds de lacune in de innovatieketen en een gebrek aan goed opgeleide procesoperators te beperken en anderzijds de grensregio op de kaart te zetten als een Europees cluster van biogebaseerde activiteit.Het project voorziet in de opbouw van onderzoeks- en opleidingsinfrastructuur in de vorm van een polyvalente Pilootinstallatie voor Indus ...
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