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2 projets européens trouvés

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Scientific understanding of the role and mechanisms of bioactives is fragmented. Research often addresses the theoretical possibility of health improvement effects rather than their real, practical use for everyday diets. Bioactives cannot be considered as discrete chemical compounds and research must focus on bioactive-enriched foods (BEF), if consumer demands for foods delivering appropriate hea ...
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A Hungarian Night for Researchers - Hungary-EU Research Careers (HEURECA)

Date du début: 1 juin 2010, Date de fin: 31 déc. 2010,

"The 2010 HEURECA Researchers' night will build upon the experience the consortium gained in organizing the event in the previous years. It will actually consist of a further expanded version of the previous events.Partnership will be enlarged by 3 new cooperating bodies joining the 18 experienced partners, and possibly by several non profit organisations and companies having already expressed the ...
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