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2 projets européens trouvés

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Discover Europe - "Azubis ins Ausland"

Date du début: 1 juin 2016, Date de fin: 31 mai 2018,

The particpants of the project 'Discover Europe - "Trainees abroad"' are 15 trainees. The students can decide in which year of the training their internship takes place and most of them acquire their internships in the European regions covered by ERASMUS+ autononomously. Further partners of the project are local companies, our European twin schools in France, Spain and Poland as well as our twin t ...
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The project entitled „Mobility, skills, experience – keys to success on a European job market” is aimed at the students of Zespół Szkół Politechnicznych w Głogowie (Politechnic Schools Complex in Głogów). It is the school’s response to a constantly growing need for technical specialists on the job market, who at the moment lack practical experience including professional experience and internships ...
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