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5 projets européens trouvés

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The main project activities are the creation of the Concept on scientific decision support network and the Study of TDM in Zala County and the Strategic marketing plan for tourism in Međimurje County. These documents should answer to the currently active questions and needs related to development in the border region and help achieve the overall project objective: to provide high-quality groundwor ...
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Regions on the fringes of long established, new or forthcoming EU Member States, in particular, are in need of transnational collaborations and development. The co-operation area of the MATRIOSCA-AAP project, the "Adria-Alpe-Pannonia" (AAP) space, comprises old and new EU Member States as well as candidate countries. It is characterised by strong regional and cultural diversity. The MATRIOSCA-AAP ...
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Institutional Capacity for Assessing the Impact of Structural Funds (INCASIS)

Date du début: 28 févr. 2005, Date de fin: 30 déc. 2007,

The effectiveness of projects and programmes financed by the EU Structural Funds depends on the programming, monitoring and evaluation skills available in EU regions. Frequently government officials and experts focus primarily on maximizing funds available to the region but disregard more important quality factors such as the regions ability to effectively use funds to stimulate modernization and ...
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The availability of secure and efficient regional energy systems is an essential prerequisite for regional development, particularly for structurally weak regions. In its Green Paper on the Security of Energy Supply, the European Commission singled out heating as the largest energy sink that is mainly based on fossil and imported fuels. Municipalities play a key role, as they are suppliers of (dis ...
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European Airport Regions Development (EARD)

Date du début: 30 juin 2004, Date de fin: 30 déc. 2006,

Airports have a central function for regional development. Regions with major airports have strong development potentials but they are also confronted with the effects of unguided investments, increasing traffic and environmental problems often leading to conflicts with local populations, particularly from neighbouring municipalities. The operation “EARD- European Airport Regions Development” focu ...
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