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2 projets européens trouvés

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PBA "Next Step - Strategy for Inclusion"

Date du début: 19 janv. 2015, Date de fin: 18 sept. 2015,

The Partnership Building Activity "Next Step - Strategy for Inclusion" gathered 24 active project coordinators & youth workers from 20 NGO?s or associations involved in youth work (inclusive youth work) from Program and Partner Countries (Austria, Latvia, Romania, Bulgaria, Italy, Macedonia, Estonia, Poland, Hungary, Slovenia, Russian Federation, Moldova, Belarus, Georgia, Azerbaijan, Albania, Kos ...
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Across Europe the unemployment rate among young people under 25 remains high. Entrepreneurship learning adresses the challenge of youth unemployment thus meeting the goals of Lisbon strategy for Growth and Jobs. However, in Lithuania and Belarus social entrepreneurship is not considered a part of youth education and training in formal institutions. Therefore, young people do not posses attitude, s ...
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