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2 projets européens trouvés

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Everyone is learning vol. 2

Date du début: 1 août 2016, Date de fin: 30 sept. 2017,

... to Narva and Ahtme 9 EVS volunteers from Bulgaria, France, Germany, Hungary, Spain and Turkey to make their voluntary services in local communities. Volunteers will be received by 5 organizations: VitaTiim NGO, Sädemeke, Tuluke, Potsataja and Käoke kindergartens, day care centre LAD, Narva Vanalinna State School and Ahtme School. Moreover, several partnering organizations - Narva Young Sailors' C ...
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...d the posibilities it gives people, especially among youngsters. The implemented activities are strongly connected with goals achievement, which are: contribution to Language Network, supporting VitaTiim Resource Centre daily activities, working with local youth on the topic of international youth exchanges and collecting, updating and sharing information on living, working and studying in Europ ...
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