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2 projets européens trouvés

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Europas Zukunft: DAS BIST DU! - Teil 2

Date du début: 18 mai 2015, Date de fin: 17 oct. 2015,

The future of Europe: that YOU are! - Part 2 - That was the motto of the youth-exchange 2015, a come-together of 53 young people and their guides from Italy and Germany. The actual financial crisis has affected the municipality of Nocera Umbra in Umbria (region in the middle of Italy), but also the whole region. There is a lack of child- and youth-work-structures. Especially these structures wou ...
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Europas Zukunft: DAS BIST DU!

Date du début: 20 juin 2014, Date de fin: 20 oct. 2014,

The future of Europe: that YOU are! That's the motto of the youth-exchange 2014, a come-together of 48 young people from Italy and Germany. The actual financial crisis has affected the municipality of Nocera Umbra in Umbria (region in the middle of Italy), but also the whole region. Already since the hard earthquake in 1997 different youth-camps and internati.onal youth-exchanges have setted impul ...
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