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3 projets européens trouvés

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Every year, software bugs cost hundreds of millions of euros to compagnies and administrations. A number of disasters such as the Ariane 5 first flight failure can are due to faulty softwares. Static analysis aims at computing automatically properties of softwares, so as to prove they are exempt from some class of bugs. In the last ten years, static analysis of numeric intensive applications impro ...
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"The field of software security analysis stands at a critical juncture.Applications have become too large for security experts to examine by hand,automated verification tools do not scale, and the risks of deploying insecure software are too great to tolerate anything less than mathematical proof.A radical shift of strategy is needed if programming and analysis techniques are to keep up in a netw ...
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Sparse Structured Methods for Machine Learning (SIERRA)

Date du début: 1 déc. 2009, Date de fin: 30 nov. 2014,

"Machine learning is now a core part of many research domains, where the abundance of data has forced researchers to rely on automated information processing. In practice, today, machine learning techniques are applied in two stages: practitioners first build a large set of features; then, off-the-shelf algorithms are used to solve the appropriate prediction tasks, such as classification or regres ...
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