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4 projets européens trouvés

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Involving partners from Austria, Bulgaria, Germany, Italy, Lithuania and Spain, the Migration-Empowerment-Integration-Networks (MEIN) project aimed at developing a new Intercultural Education concept. Activities involved the development and testing of a course for practitioners working specifically with immigrant groups. Course content, tested with trainers from 5 partner countries, covered interc ...
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The M.E.I.N. project is developing a new concept of education for adult educationestablishments with migrants in Europe. This concept enables trainers in the area ofintercultural working to systematically direct individual learning processes with migrants,thereby optimising their integration process on an ongoing basis through continuouseducational advice as well as supporting their lifelong educa ...
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Mit der Erklärung von Lissabon im März 2000 und den Folgeerklärungen (u.a. Barcelona 2002) haben die EU-Staats- und Regierungschefs das Ziel formuliert, Europa zum wettbewerbsfähigsten und dynamischsten wissensbasierten Wirtschaftsraum der Welt zu machen. Der Förderung lebenslangen Lernens und der Qualifikation der Beschäftigten kommt dabei zentrale Bedeutung zu. In der Folge wird die Qualität der ...
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Recently, vocational education and training (VET) activities in mechatronics and car mechatronics in Europe are usually dominated by concepts, materials and VET measures which mostly focus on highly qualified and experienced learners. This endagers people with 'difficult' learning pre-conditions, especially youngsters and young adults to get separated from future-oriented jobs and tasks.Thus, we h ...
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