Rechercher des projets européens

3 projets européens trouvés

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Recycling e-training resources : The main project product has been the software tool which facilitates the design and development of e-training resources which can be used on different platforms, thus allowing for sharing and re-use of products. This project started in 2003 and lasted 36 months.
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The project aims at developing common criteria and methodologies for the recognition, validation and certification of psycho-pedagogical competencies of adult educators in non formal and informal contexts and settings, and at improving the pedagogical competencies of teachers and trainers of adults. Its main specific objectives are: 1) to promote the sustainable development and improvement of non ...
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Due to the shortage of the precious resource water and the consequences of the climate change, numerous European policies have been developed and adopted for the protection and sustainable utilisation of water creating a huge demand in particular in the vocational training. Economic factors like privatisation and increasing cost pressure in water management are heightening these educational needs ...
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