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11 projets européens trouvés

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PROSPERITY will:1. Produce a culture shift in terms of environment for SUMPs in member states and in the organisational culture of transport planning in city authorities.2. Get ministries and national agencies to play a national leading role on SUMPs, as in many member states these are the organisations from which cities take their main direction; where ministries are already playing this role, to ...
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Traveller Information System for the Adriatic Region (TISAR)

Date du début: 30 sept. 2012, Date de fin: 29 sept. 2015,

TISAR (Traveller Information System for the Adriatic Region) will raise a discussion over the theme of public transport data sharing and multimodal traveller information at political and technical level. The aim of the project is the implementation of an ICT platform where public transport and journey planning data will be merged and made available in the languages of the IPA Countries. The TISAR ...
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The entire Adriatic Region shares at least 200 million years of common geological history. The limestone created on this platform was used as a primary building material throughout the whole project area and takes one of the most important roles in creating common human history. The specific platy limestone as the basic construction material gives the Adriatic coastline and its interior the primar ...
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Shared Project for Environmental Evaluation with DYnamic governance (SPEEDY)

Date du début: 31 août 2012, Date de fin: 30 août 2015,

The project is structured in 7 WPs. • WP1 and WP2 are transversal activities. The first one will guarantee the coordination of the projects' activities and the second one will ensure the continuous exchange of information among beneficiaries and institutions operating in the interested territories. • The 5 technical WPs will allow reaching the aim of the project through the shared construction of ...
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EXtension of POtentiality of Adriatic Unesco Sites (EX.PO AUS)

Date du début: 31 août 2012, Date de fin: 30 août 2015,

The eligible territories of the programme are very rich of UNESCO sites (and also of sites aspiring to this recognition). This is an important indicator of the strong effort made by the local communities to preserve historical, artistic or natural heritage of great value, but, at the same time, this trend must stimulate them to consider the UNESCO acknowledgment as a starting point, because this a ...
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The Solar Cooling System is particularly innovative from a technological point of view. It allows to cool and refresh environments using the air conditioning system powered by the heat produced by solar panels, that are traditionaly used to produce hot water, instead of using electrical energy to power traditional air conditioners. This type of system, for the way it operates, consumes almost excl ...
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Airport Security and Air Taxi Network in the Adriatic (ADRIAIR)

Date du début: 31 août 2012, Date de fin: 27 févr. 2015,

The project ADRIAIR is driven by two leading ideas: the first one is the possibility to set up a new flexible and on demand air connection in the Adriatic macro-region based on air taxi; the second one is the improvement of the security standards of the airports involved. Both these leading ideas are melted in the same project with the intention to contribute to facilitating, improving and intensi ...
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Information and communication technology (ICT) has proved to be an essential tool to develop and finalize applications of public usefulness due to its capability to handle complex scenarios and integrate inhomogeneous components. In this respect, hydro-meteorological hazards, like convective outbreaks affecting the Adriatic areas mainly due to easterly fronts and leading to torrential rain and flo ...
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Transnational ENhancement of ECOPORT8 network  (TEN_ECOPORT)

Date du début: 30 sept. 2012, Date de fin: 29 sept. 2014,

In the recent years the ports are the hub-point of the Core Regional Transport Networks, as precursors for the TEN-T comprehensive network in the South East Europe. In this direction, a great responsibility was entrusted to the port authorities: they are the authority appointed for the Control and the real application of the Environmental Manage System, being the nodes that ensure the environmenta ...
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The aim of the project is to strengthen the links between education, research and innovation and to improve knowledge transfer between academia and industry. Activities will be geared towards identification of European best practice in these sectors, which will be adapted and implemented in relevant institutions in the partner countries. The specific objectives are: "• To understand the present s ...
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COASTGAP springs after more than 10 years of shared experiences among many Mediterranean coastal Administrations and Institutions in the field of coastal adaptation to CC effects and other natural/anthropogenic threats. In 2011 these actors established the cluster FACECOAST ( and propose COASTGAP in order to capitalize 12 Best Practices from 9 projects of the cluster (from MED and ...
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