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10 projets européens trouvés

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"Nowadays, we can observe a rapid transition of the knowledge society to the ""society of global competence"", in which both the global economy and the education systems are undergoing changes. It is evident, that without an active implementation of innovative forms and methods of education, and above all, distance learning at all levels of education these objectives cannot be successfully achieve ...
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Higher education student and staff mobility project

Date du début: 1 juin 2014, Date de fin: 30 sept. 2015,

Erasmus+ project (KA103) represents an important instrument of the internationalization of our university which is used and available to all members of the academic community including students. The project is coordinated centrally on the rectorate level and operates through a well-defined and well-functioning network of relationships and competencies of the rectorate, faculty and departmental coo ...
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Promoting inquiry in mathematics and science education across Europe (Primas)

Date du début: 1 janv. 2010, Date de fin: 31 déc. 2013,

This project aims to effect a change across Europe in the teaching and learning of mathematics and science with teachers supported to develop inquiry-based learning (IBL) pedagogies so that students gain experience of IBL approaches. Ultimately, our objective is a greater number of students with more positive dispositions towards further study of these subjects and the desire to be employed in rel ...
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Throughout Europe there is an alarming decline in young people’s interest in scientific disciplines, and thus our society may in the future be seriously disadvantaged at all levels of the workforce by ill-prepared citizens who do not have a critical understanding of important issues that affect the world in which they live. The project, therefore, has the aim of developing teaching that connects s ...
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...sessments on different levels and close contact with other projects. The goal is to service local enterprises with high-skilled people, so dissemination activities are done towards this group via the university-enterprise contact group (UEGC), and also in media, via the web resources and seminars. Management of the heterogeneous project objectives and diverse partners is done via an agreed work pl ...
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Assuring quality of teaching and learning activities is the quintessential task that higher education institutions (HEIs) must face in an increasingly competitive national and international environment. Adoption of the Standards and Guidelines for Quality Assurance in the European Higher Education Area (ESG) in 2005 has added new momentum to research in the quality assurance policy domain. So far, ...
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...05). Additionally, the project activities will build international cooperation capacities of the leading Universities in Central Asia by providing targeted and tailored to the needs of the respective University staff members training measures. The combination of these activities (networking, mobility and capacity building) aimed at the common goals, namely fostering internationalization and mutual ...
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European Primary Teacher Education

Date du début: 1 oct. 2009,

“School Education is increasingly acknowledge as a key area for improvement if Member States are to meet the goals under the Lisbon Strategy.” The quality of education dependents on the quality of the teacher. The quality of the teacher is depended from the education at Teacher Education Institutes (TEI). Teacher education is strongly influenced by national political demands and sometimes parochi ...
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Studies show a lack in students’ motivation in learning mathematics. This has a negativeimpact on several areas:• Many fields in the world of work rely on an understanding of mathematics• Many decision-making processes in society, politics, economy, ecology, personalenvironment etc. require at least a basic understanding of principles in mathematics• Students who are less motivated to learn mathem ...
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he project objective was based on the results of the analysis of community care delivered by nurses and midwives in Visegrad 4 countries. The analysis showed absence of educational programmes for this target group. Community care is the area of health and social care, which is paid a treat attention to in connection with health care systems transformation. In a number of European countries the com ...
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