Rechercher des projets européens

9 projets européens trouvés

Recherche sur 125080 projets européens

TRASP is a continuing vocational training engineering project. Its purpose is twofold: (1) to develop a vocational specialisation course for higher technicians specialising in the treatment of contaminated soils which, by virtue of its multicultural approach, would take account of the diversity of situations in Europe and incorporate a Community approach; (2) to provide SMEs wanting to develop a s ...
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The LAS-SME's project aims at the development and introduction of training methods and support tools, able to respond to the language communication needs of SME's, particularly those in the manufacturing sector. In order to achieve this, an audit system will be designed, developed and tested in addition to the design and introduction of new training paths for the sector. The audit system will comp ...
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The basis for the project is a detected need of people with intellectual disabilities for respectful life and treatment; legislation in most European countries has developed towards social inclusion and improvement of the quality of life of disabled persons. The project will develop training packages for trainers of people with intellectual disabilities, based on the values of social inclusion, em ...
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The Home-care in Europe project has three primary aims: to meet a fast growing demand for better trained labour in the home-care of the elderly, to provide better opportunity for labour market access to certain underprivileged groups and to implement technology-supported, flexible training for the sector.Many employees working in home-care of the elderly do not have the formal competencies for the ...
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The ATLAS project has identified a missing link in the process of employment integration for those with an intellectual disability or minimal levels of education: employers have been found to terminate contracts with these individuals due to a mismatch between the requirements of the job and the social skills of those in this disadvantaged group. The project seeks to bridge this gap through the de ...
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...te for future participants of videoconferences, database of recordings with presentations of students and workers, course Academic and professional communication in English through videoconferencing. University students, employees of small and medium sized enterprises and participants in training courses for job seekers are the target groups of the project.
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The aim of the VIP project is to provide SME managers with training to improve the efficacy and competitiveness of their companies on the market. To this end the project will develop an experimental training platform for open and distance learning which will enable SME managers to undertake continuing vocational training without disturbing their working patterns.The platform, which will be in thre ...
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ICT-net will establish a European network to encourage ICT Management Training with the aim of empowering management personnel in functioning as ICT Strategists, able to make decisions with regard to ICT and its corporate implications.The project will develop a flexible training environment at European level able to provide information, advice and professional solutions on ICT development issues. ...
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The EURORUBIK project aims at improving the quality and access to continuous vocational training (CVT) with a view to improving the adaptability of minimally qualified workers with particular regard to technological and organisational innovation. The project will establish local networks, responsible for the analysis and ongoing development of existing experience towards the creation of new, indiv ...
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