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3 projets européens trouvés

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A new type of manager : The project has developed a curriculum specifically for the training of prototyping managers. After establishing training needs and a new profile, cross-border partnerships were set up and a course which can be partially integrated into existing courses was developed. This project started in 2002 and lasted 18 months.
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The ECNL project will design and develop a vocational training package (1000-2000 hours duration) for use in the training of technician-level ICT specialists.Project activity will comprise; creation of a pan-European professional profile for the role of ICT technician, development of a standard syllabus & core package of technical training modules and introduction of a common model for the pan-Eur ...
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The project's ultimate aim is to demonstrate that the creation of the new professions of "Building Surveyor" and "Building Maintenance Technician" in accession countries could be both practically useful and cost-efficient in managing building stock. As a first step, the project will develop a new, flexible, learner-centred education system, for graduate professionals or young graduates, combining ...
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