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34 projets européens trouvés

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The Once Only Principle Project (TOOP)

Date du début: 1 janv. 2017, Date de fin: 30 juin 2019,

The “Once-Only” Principle Project (TOOP) explores and demonstrates the “once-only” principle through multiple sustainable pilots, using a federated architecture on a cross-border collaborative pan-European scale in order to identify drivers and barriers and to provide a basis for future implementations and wider use. Three pilots are implemented: (1) Cross-border e-Services for Business Mobility, ...
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Date du début: 1 oct. 2016, Date de fin: 30 sept. 2018,

Statistics show that the number of apprenticeship in Rhône-Alpes and Piemonte is low regarding the number of companies. They also show that apprenticeship is declining, especially in the SMEs.This situation is mainly due to the complexity of the procedures and regulation concerning apprenticeship, and also to the fact that they are subject to frequent changes.This situation is particularly difficu ...
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Innovation Support Services for SMEs in North West Italy (ALPS.INN3)

Date du début: 1 janv. 2015, Date de fin: 31 déc. 2016,

The project, whose geographical coverage will be North-West Italy (3 regions : Piemonte Liguria and Valle d’Aosta) aims at implementing a specific framework service for supporting SMEs in the innovation management capacity . The service, delivered through provision of 96 individual companies’ service packages, will be directed to SMEs with international growth potential via product, process servic ...
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INnovation CApacities of Mediterranean Enterprises (INCAME-2)

Date du début: 1 janv. 2015, Date de fin: 31 déc. 2016,

The project aims to enhance SMEs’ competitiveness and innovation processes management and to improve the regional innovation environment, increasing the efficiency and the effectiveness of investments in research, development and innovation. The project partners will operate in the regions under the EEN BRIDGeconomies consortium: Abruzzo, Basilicata, Calabria, Campania, Molise, Puglia and Sicilia. ...
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Date de fin: 25 juin 2016,

The project TAKE TECH aimed at spreading the method TAKETECH - awareness raising of young people for technical professions - all over Europe and partly to enhance the already existing TAKE TECH method. The target of TAKE TECH has been to link schools and technical companies through systematic matchmaking and to raise the awareness for technical issues among youngsters through school visits to such ...
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MedDiet - Mediterranean Diet and enhancement of traditional foodstuff (MedDiet)

Date du début: 31 déc. 2012, Date de fin: 30 déc. 2015,

The project in briefGenerally speaking, all Mediterranean countries have in common a dietary pattern characterised by a high consumption of plant foods such as legumes, cereals, fruits and vegetables, nuts and seeds, low consumption of meat and dairy products, olive oil as main source of fat and moderate consumption of wine. The Mediterranean diet is considered a healthy prudent pattern: high adhe ...
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Date du début: 28 févr. 2013, Date de fin: 30 mai 2015,

The project’s objective is to help the seasonal adjustment of tourism in the cross-border area through the development of the area’s offer of goods and services deriving from local productivity. By welcoming visitors, firms offer new tourist solutions as well as help to transfer, through the firms’ identity and business culture, the territorial image. Communicating the firm’s identity and business ...
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Date du début: 13 janv. 2013, Date de fin: 13 janv. 2015,

Le projet a pour objectif d'obtenir une meilleure connaissance du niveau de maturité des entreprises de l'espace transfrontalier vis-à-vis de la Responsabilité Sociétale des Entreprises (RSE) afin de concevoir et déployer des outils de sensibilisation appropriés. Le résultat recherché est de stimuler la compétitivité des entreprises en travaillant sur les axes de la RSE.
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ALPS Consortium KAM and Enhancing Innovation Management Service 2014 (ALPSKAM14)

Date du début: 1 juil. 2014, Date de fin: 31 déc. 2014,

In the 3 regions covered by ALPS EEN Consortium (Piemonte, Liguria and Valle d’Aosta), the project will provide a new service enhancing the innovation management capacity of SMEs to two specific groups of SMEs:- Beneficiaries of the SME Instrument- SMEs with significant innovation activities and a high potential for internationalisation.The main goal of the project is to support SMEs innovation ma ...
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INnovation CApacities of Mediterranean Enterprises (INCAME)

Date du début: 1 mai 2014, Date de fin: 31 déc. 2014,

The project aims to enhance SMEs’ competitiveness and innovation processes management and to improve the regional innovation environment, increasing the efficiency and the effectiveness of investments in research, development and innovation. The project partners will operate in the regions under the EEN BRIDGeconomies consortium: Abruzzo, Basilicata, Calabria, Campania, Molise, Puglia and Sicili ...
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The Mediterranean region accounts for 97% of the worlds olive production. About 11 million tons of olives are produced each year out of which nearly 2 million tons of olive oil is extracted. The estimated waste generated annually by olive oil processing is 9 million tons: this can potentially cause serious environmental harm if not disposed properly. MEDOLICO specifically targets the issue of oliv ...
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Platform of Local Authorities and Cities Engaged in Science (PLACES)

Date du début: 1 juin 2010, Date de fin: 31 mai 2014,

PLACES Networks partners are developing a common platform for a wide and diverse community of actors to promote the cooperation in their science communication activities, at city/regional level. Over four years, 67 science communication institutions (science centres, museum, festivals) are supported to work with their local authority administrators and policy makers to plan and implement their lon ...
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Intends to establish a network for various applications of renewable energy sources including universities, innovation centers, local authorities and citizens. Expected Results: Total cross-border enforcement policy to support ...
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Date du début: 10 janv. 2012, Date de fin: 10 mars 2014,

Le projet EDEN vise à inciter les entreprises du secteur de la transformation des matériaux à collaborer ensemble sur toute la zone transfrontalière et à favoriser les échanges tant au niveau du développement de nouveaux produits que sur l'aspect commercial. Le projet se fixe pour objectif d'inciter les entreprises à produire de manière durable en adoptant la démarche d'éco-conception.
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Alps 4 EU

Date du début: 31 août 2011, Date de fin: 28 févr. 2014,

Alps4EU aims to overcome clusters initiatives fragmentation and favour the emergence of meta-clusters, applying a macro-regional vision and driving Alpine area clusters to be more competitive in the European scenario for the benefit of all Alpine Space’s economy.The project will address both policy making and cluster management activities, with a trans-regional approach and it will impact on phas ...
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The aim of the project is to implement an information system for the integration and coordination of knowledge, skills and techniques in the design, implementation and management of the individuals involved in the wider field of construction. ...
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The POSMETRANS project is pursuing two core goals:Objective1: Drawing conclusions for policy measures in order to accelerate the market take-up of innovative technologies and processes in transport.Objective2: Providing a framework for the impact assessment and evaluation of EU measures aiming at innovation.On the basis of an international network, consisting of six partners coming from five diffe ...
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Date du début: 31 août 2008, Date de fin: 30 août 2010,

Obiettivo del progetto è lazione congiunta atta a strutturare nella zona transfrontaliera una rete di innovazione e sviluppo sostenibile delle PMI del settore della trasformazione dei materiali plastici (settore plasturgico).
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"PRESTO aims at facilitating the identification of priority research topics for small and medium sized enterprises associations (hereinafter SMEsAs) -which in fact have a better capacity of influence than SMEs alone- by establishing a close and sustainable dialogue with ETPs. In order to conduct the activities contemplated by the project, PRESTO will approach four crucial industrial domains whic ...
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No Researchers ? No Party ! (Re-Party)

Date du début: 1 juin 2009, Date de fin: 31 déc. 2009,

No Researchers ? No Party ! expresses in its title the concept of the proposal: offer, on the 25th of September, to the public at large a unique event to better know researchers and their role, to interact and to party with them. The Re-party project is conceived as a catalyst of resources, ideas, energies and expertise as it’s structured on 3 key pillars: continuity, creativity, communicability ( ...
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Date du début: 31 janv. 2006, Date de fin: 29 juin 2008,

Le projet s’intéresse aux systèmes de transport de tous types en vue d’améliorer l’accès aux réseaux et de garantir l’intermodalité. Il vise à contribuer à l’amélioration des niveaux d’accessibilité aux transports, de l’échelle transnationale à l’échelle locale, pour favoriser la mobilité des personnes et des marchandises. Les actions du projet constituent, dans leur ensemble, un dessein organique ...
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Date du début: 31 mai 2006, Date de fin: 29 juin 2008,

Le projet PAMEL@ a pour ambition daffirmer lIdentité Economique de lArc Méditerranéen Latin et de rendre lisibles les enjeux du développement économique de son territoire, en sappuyant sur les possibilités de communication apportées par les Technologies de lInformation. Il doit permettre de déployer la réflexion et lanalyse sur la réalité économique de lArc méditerranéen latin en sintéressant en p ...
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ountries such as Veneto or Austria and recently also by the newly acceded countries. Parts of Poland, Slovakia and Hungary are now new border regions of the EU and face immigration-related problems while Romania and Serbia have experienced growing outflows of citizens towards EU Member States in recent years. The phenomenon means organisational and social challenges that have to be dealt with by b ...
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The transalpine traffic accessability is essential for Europe. Catastrophes in the Alp tunnels and traffic contrasts show the European dimension of this problems. The raise of road traffic within the alpine region cause an escalation of CO2 emmissions, noise pollution and use of road infrastructure which is not designed for the actual traffic volume. The "alpine" policy of traffic has abandoned th ...
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S.I.M.T : Integrated System of Territorial Marketing (S.I.M.T)

Date du début: 29 oct. 2002, Date de fin: 29 oct. 2004,

« S.I.M.T » sintéresse à la protection du territoire et à la valoristion de son identité culturelle afin de garantir un tourisme durable et de qualité. Le projet entend mettre en oeuvre, par le biais dun système de marketing, un instrument de support aux politiques des régions de lespace Medocc vouées au développement dun tourisme durable. Pour cela, le projet met en relation lactivité dobservatio ...
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« DAUTIC » s’intéresse à la diffusion des technologies de l’information et de la communication (TIC) au sein des entreprises. Le projet vise à créer une communauté virtuelle de PME européennes sur Internet, à optimiser l’appropriation et l’utilisation des TIC par les entreprises pour les échanges économiques transnationaux, et à développer les coopérations économiques entre régions européennes. Le ...
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The project aims at developing a feasibility study regarding the railway between the city of Belgrade and the port of Bar (Serbia –Montenegro). The feasibility study will highlight the strong development potentialities of the Confederation of the Republics of Serbia-Montenegro in many economic sectors, as for instance: tourism (thanks to the marvellous Montenegrin coasts and the natural parks of b ...
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Targets of the Course:– Training of individuals with special qualificationsin the fields of creativity and innovation– Raise the competitiveness of European companiesduring the increase of innovation an creativity– Ideas and innovations are of great significance forEurope as a commercial location.– New product and service impulses are a prerequisitefor the success of European companies on theworld ...
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Technology transfer means that new know-how, new technologies and innovations from research institutions are transferred to and integrated by commercial enterprises. This happens when for example Universities or Universities of Applied Sciences develop new and specific innovative solutions for enterprises and these enterprises integrate these new solutions into their daily business. By doing that, ...
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Mass customisation is no oxymoron : The project has set out the key skills and a professional profile for mass customisation strategists. This has led to the development of a training programme which will supply SMEs with much needed expertise in this area. This project started in 2003 and lasted 24 months.
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Having identified a major methodological gap in the support of would-be entrepreneurs within the EU, the project intends to achieve the following objectives: to identify the ideal CV of the new European Tutor specialized in the creation of enterprises, and to define a common training path for the certification of professional tutors. Indeed, a better assistance to potential businessmen is expected ...
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Das Projekt zielt auf die marktreife Entwicklung und Einführung von blended-Learning basierten Trainingsprodukten für Mitarbeiter vor allem mittelständischer Betriebe in den Bereichen: 1. Internationale Rechnungslegung/Jahresabschluss mit IAS / IFRS; 2.Individuelles Unternehmensrating und 3. Projektmanagement und Reorganisation.
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Das Projekt zielte auf die marktreife Entwicklung und Einführung von Blended-Learning basierten Trainingsprodukten für Führungskräfte und Mitarbeiter vor allem mittelständischer Unternehmen in den Bereichen: 1. Internationale Rechnungslegung/Jahresabschluss mit IAS / IFRS; 2.Individuelles Unternehmensrating und 3. Projektmanagement und Reorganisation.
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ELISAA is based on a multilateral partnership between Institutions, Albanian and European Universities (AEUs), Umbrella organizations for creating wider links between Albanian SMEs and the academic institutions. The aim is to build up a higher and vocational training in the agricultural sector through an e-learning course. In this way, new strategies for developing the agro-industry and to overcom ...
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