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2 projets européens trouvés

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Stepping into somebody else's shoes

Date du début: 1 juin 2015, Date de fin: 31 mai 2017,

...lture and socialising among all children and youngsters from different educational, cultural and social backgrounds. The basics of this free time activities is connecting children and youngsters through playing and spending time together. EVS project includes partners from Macedonia (Volunteers Centre Skopje) and Bosnia and Hercegovina (SOS Social Centre Hermann Gmeiner, UG Omladinski Centar Jajc ...
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...nce of the art therapy we describe the major topics of the project as a disability and the arts and culture. Volunteers will participate in various activities – from cooking workshops, through occupational therapy, sports, music to the painting and ceramics workshops. They will also pursue the unique workshops for our participants and the local community. We also set ourselves the educational and ...
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