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10 projets européens trouvés

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NOMADs - European Youth for Inclusive Sport

Date du début: 1 janv. 2016, Date de fin: 31 déc. 2018,

NOMADs is a collaborative partnership that will develop in 3 years a program targeting young European volunteers and athletes, to involve them in projects supporting sport for all events.The partnership is composed by 11 sport for all and voluntary service organizations from 6 EU Countries, and will create, pilot and launch an European platform to allow local events, championships and tournaments ...
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Date du début: 1 janv. 2016, Date de fin: 31 déc. 2018,

The overall objective of the project is to build capacity in civil society organisations to engage in active advocacy for the implementation of the EU PA GuidelinesThe European Partners are umbrella organisations with experience in advocacy on the EU level. They will, in turn, engage with their member associations (National Project Partners and beyond) to deliver capacity building, alliance creati ...
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FAIR PLAY: An European Goal

Date du début: 1 janv. 2016, Date de fin: 31 août 2016,

Over the years, SISU and BSJ gained a lot of experience in international youth work using the EU-funding opportunities. Both organisations where also involved in the project "street soccer for tolerance" and the expansion of the idea in other european countries. Meanwhile many organisations in Europe do use the street soccer for their youth work. Each of them adapted the rules to their local oppor ...
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Methodology Development Seminar for using Education Through Sport in youth work

Date du début: 1 mai 2015, Date de fin: 31 août 2015,

Since the Lisbon Treaty the European Union is actively aiming to promote sport and physical activity at the policy level – not only with a view to improving health and physical wellbeing across the EU, but also to enhance the role that sport can play in boosting social cohesion and for its educational value. According to the Eurobarometer survey (2010) on sport, 40% of EU citizens say that they pl ...
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How to use Education Through Sport in working with young people

Date du début: 1 juil. 2014, Date de fin: 31 janv. 2015,

"How to use Education through Sport in working with young people" is aiming at promoting and further developing the "Education Through Sport" (ETS) approach (methodology) to non-formal education. The project will use the online education platform and the training manual for education through sport and physical activities with young people "Move and Learn". It will analyse the pot ...
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Network meeting: Fair Play soccer tour

Date du début: 1 août 2014, Date de fin: 31 janv. 2015,

International youth work is one of the milestones of the BSJ (Sportjugend Brandenburg). Over the years they gained a lot of experience in international youth work using the tool "street soccer" and using the EU-funding opportunities. Meanwhile many organisations do use the street soccer for their youth work. Each of them adapted the rules to their local opportunities and needs. The German Soccer L ...
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Street Leaders

Date du début: 1 mars 2013,

This is a wide ranging youth engagement and informal education project that will bring together young people from 7 different countries at a youth centre in Ejsberg, Denmark, in the summer of 2013 to learn about voluntary action and sport. The project will be 6 days of full activity, plus 2 travel days at each end and will involve a range of activities. DGI is hosting, and the following countrie ...
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The ACTIVE multi-measure project, containing one Networking, two Trainings and one Evaluation has as its objectives1)To implement quality trainings based on a longer-term programme and planning process, allowing for stronger thematic development, higher partner involvement and better recruitment processes.2)To put a consistent focus on the three themes of the project (voluntarism, environment and ...
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Il sagissait dorganiser à La Réunion des rencontres permettant de développer la coopération inter-îles pour des jeunes de 9 à 16 ans en développant des échanges débouchant à terme sur la création dune antenne de lISCA pour lOcéan Indien. Ces rencontres dune durée de 6 jours avaient, en particulier, pour objectif de favoriser les échanges, les activités sportives traditionnelles et le développement ...
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Ce rassemblement a été organisé dans le cadre de la CJSOI du 9 au 16 octobre 2004. Il sagissait de permettre une meilleure connaissance mutuelle, pour chacun des groupes de jeunes des pays de la zone, au travers dactivités culturelles et sportives:· Connaissance des pays de lOcéan Indien, chaque délégation organisant un atelier de présentation de son pays sous une forme originale et des activités ...
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