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4 projets européens trouvés

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The project in brief The last decades have witnessed a growing interest for solar energy initiatives in the Mediterranean region, coupled with a growing pressure to ensure an actual shift from traditional energies towards a more efficient energy system. While many successful national and regional projects have been implemented in order to develop market, policy and technical actions, the transitio ...
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Till now the control of fires has been based on theoretical models or on traditional experiences. The negative data emerged in "Forest fires in Europe 2007" induce to reconsider the current strategies and address toward the search of new solutions. The main objective of Cyp.Fire is to demonstrate that cypress made fire-breaks (established in MedCypre) represent an innovative way to replace the tra ...
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The availability of secure and efficient regional energy systems is an essential prerequisite for regional development, particularly for structurally weak regions. In its Green Paper on the Security of Energy Supply, the European Commission singled out heating as the largest energy sink that is mainly based on fossil and imported fuels. Municipalities play a key role, as they are suppliers of (dis ...
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...nt and delivery of Masters level professional development courses in the VET field, will be the main provider of the innovation. All partners have a wide experience of VET curriculum development and technological innovation in its delivery.Currently, VET teacher training in the UK is designated as ‘postgraduate’ but has not previously been delivered at Masters level, being postgraduate only in th ...
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