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26 projets européens trouvés

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Product-Service sYMBIOtic SYStems (PSYMBIOSYS)

Date du début: 1 févr. 2015, Date de fin: 31 janv. 2018,

Product-service solutions are not a novelty for manufacturing domain, in particular for Europe. Services are becoming more and more not just an optional adjunct to products, but they are integral part of manufacturing industries’ offer, able to differentiate the product value proposition, to take a significant part of the revenue stream and even to substitute the traditional selling of products wi ...
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The DREAM project will lay the foundations for a novel heterarchical management approach of complex electrical power grids, providing new mechanisms for consumer involvement in economical and ecological electricity use as well as stable and cost effective integration of distributed renewable resources.Applying the principles of autonomous agent-based systems to the control and management of the el ...
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OSMOsis applications for the Sensing Enterprise (OSMOSE)

Date du début: 1 oct. 2013, Date de fin: 30 sept. 2016,

The main objective of the OSMOSE project is to develop a reference architecture, a middleware and some prototypal applications for the Sensing-Liquid Enterprise, by interconnecting Real, Digital and Virtual Worlds in the same way a semi-permeable membrane permits the flow of liquid particles through itself.In concrete terms, the OSMOSE project will design and develop:i.\ta Reference Architecture f ...
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"Competitive manufacturing industry must be able to react to change and to understand the balance of possible options when making decisions on complex multi-faceted problems. Understanding how best to configure and re-configure a global production network, set against rapidly changing product-service requirements is one such complex problem area. This project aims to provide services that support ...
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In the global economy, European manufacturers face increased competitive pressure and continuous innovation is required to remain competitive. ICT offer a seemingly boundless source of innovation, promising to deliver precisely the capabilities European manufacturing businesses require to remain competitive and to furthermore enable them to run their business in a sustainable way. However, the pot ...
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Future Internet Technologies for MANufacturing (FITMAN)

Date du début: 1 avr. 2013, Date de fin: 30 sept. 2015,

According to the 2010 EC Competitiveness Report, Manufacturing is still the driving force of Europe's economy, contributing over € 6553 billion in GDP and providing more than 30 million jobs. It covers more than 25 different industrial sectors, largely dominated by SMEs, and generates annually over € 1535 billion (42%) worth of value added services.The mission of the FITMAN (Future Internet Techno ...
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Informačné technológie a počítačová grafika bez hraníc

Date du début: 1 juil. 2014, Date de fin: 30 juin 2015,

We would like to organize this project in order to help our students to participate in a vocational training abroad that concentrates on the IT sector and on digital media. The work in firms helps our students to gain an idea about their possibilities after finishing their studies, the theoretical knowledge transforms into practical skills, and students acquire valuable experience not only in thei ...
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Manufacturing SErvice Ecosystem (MSEE)

Date du début: 1 oct. 2011, Date de fin: 30 sept. 2014,

Description Manufacturing SErvice Ecosystem VISION: "By 2015, novel service-oriented management methodologies and the Future Internet universal business infrastructure will enable European virtual factories and enterprises to self-organize in distributed, autonomous, interoperable, non-hierarchica ...
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Internet of Things at Work (IoT@Work)

Date du début: 1 juin 2010, Date de fin: 30 juin 2013,

IoT@Work will develop the technologies required to enable Internet of Things (IoT)-based applications and processes in the manufacturing domain. The IoT architecture will allow production processes to adapt quickly and easily to new business models and processes. Process and industry automation, however, have strong demands for reliable communication and security guarantees, which the IoT architec ...
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The objective of CoReNet is to address consumer needs and expectations of wide range of European citizens as well as specific target groups - such as elderly, obese, disabled, or diabetic persons -by supplying small series of functional and fashionable clothes and footwear of high quality, affordable price and eco-compatibility. Therefore the European Textile, Clothing and Footwear Industry wil ...
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Inclusive Future-Internet Web Services (I2Web)

Date du début: 1 nov. 2010, Date de fin: 30 avr. 2013,

I2Web will provide tools to develop inclusive Future Internet service front-ends to  address the challenges of ubiquitous/mobile Web, media convergence and user-generated content, in combination with cloud computing and Web 2.0, Social Networking, using User-Centred Design and Design for All (DfA)/Inclusive Design principles. By 2025 over 30% of Europe will be elderly, with many of current Interne ...
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Monitoring Control for Remote Software Maintenance (FastFix)

Date du début: 1 juin 2010, Date de fin: 28 févr. 2013,

FastFix will enable time- and cost-efficient maintenance and support services, by monitoring software applications, replicating execution failures, and automatically generating patches.Software maintenance and support services are key factors to customers' perception of software quality. Customers are more demanding about these services, while contribution of maintenance to products total cost of ...
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The Network is the Business (NisB)

Date du début: 1 sept. 2010, Date de fin: 28 févr. 2013,

The Business Network of suppliers, distributors, customers and partners that a company acquires is becoming a competitive asset. The requirement is to continuously and dynamically optimize and adapt this network to the evolving business needs.The "protocol" of Business Networks is the semantic interoperability between businesses enabling the realization of business meaning from the data being comm ...
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Interactive Knowledge Stack for small to medium CMS/KMS providers (IKS)

Date du début: 1 janv. 2009, Date de fin: 31 déc. 2012,

Description A Semantic-based Open Source Platform for Small to Medium CMS ProvidersIKS will raise the semantic capability of European software houses to develop intelligent content management solutions for their customers. What is IKS? IKS is an integrating project targeted at the hundreds of SMEs in Europe, which are providing technology ...
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Model-based methods and tools for Avionics and\nsurveillance embeddeD SystEmS (MADES)

Date du début: 1 févr. 2010, Date de fin: 31 juil. 2012,

Description To develop a tool suite for the development of embedded systems for the Aerospace, Defence and other European industries, that will reduce the time for designing new systems and marketing new productsEmbedded systems applications are one of the key drivers for innovations within the European Aerospace and Defence industries. W ...
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The goal of NoTube is to develop a service architecture, based on semantic technologies, for personalised creation, distribution and consumption of TV content in all its new forms. Nowadays, consumers can receive hundreds of digital TV channels. TV content can be rendered on different devices, including handhelds and computers. Through IPTV the TV and the Web worlds are getting intertwined. Compan ...
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COllaboration and INteroperability for networked enterprises (COIN)

Date du début: 1 janv. 2008, Date de fin: 31 déc. 2011,

"By 2020 enterprise collaboration and interoperability services will become an invisible, pervasive and self-adaptive knowledge and business utility at disposal of the European networked enterprises from any industrial sector and domain in order to rapidly set-up, efficiently manage and effectively operate different forms of business collaborations, from the most traditional supply chains to the m ...
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The overall objective of Open Garments is the Manufacturing Service Provider (MSP) Business Model enabling individual garments. This model will enable a new way of design, production and sales of consumer designed and configured garments, based on the provision of individualised services and products to customers and partners. This will lead to new product designs, to a much more customer satisfac ...
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"Europe's tooling industry takes up key a position within the production industries of Europe and all other IMS countries as studies have shown. Each production ramp-up depends on the completion of the required tools and their integration into the existing production facilities, the product’s quality is directly linked to the tool’s quality. The tooling industry is facing challenges concerning th ...
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PlayMancer: A European Serious Gaming 3D Environment (PlayMancer)

Date du début: 1 nov. 2007, Date de fin: 31 mai 2011,

PlayMancer will implement a new Serious Game environment, by augmenting existing 3D gaming engines with new possibilities. The objectives of the project are four-fold:1.\tto construct a next generation networked gaming environment, mainly augmenting the gaming experience with innovative ICT modes of interaction between the player and the game world,2.\tto allow for a shorter and most cost-effectiv ...
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Service Oriented Architectures for All (SOA4ALL)

Date du début: 1 mars 2008, Date de fin: 30 avr. 2011,

Description Towards a Web of billions of servicesComputer science is entering a new generation, a generation that starts by abstracting from software and hardware components and sees all resources as services in a service-oriented architecture (SOA). With this in mind, the aim of SOA4ALL is to create a 'web of billions of services' and he ...
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HERMES - Cognitive Care and Guidance for Active Aging (HERMES)

Date du début: 1 janv. 2008, Date de fin: 31 mars 2011,

HERMES provides an innovative integrated approach to cognitive care covering the domain of cognitive support and training. This is achieved through an advanced, integrated, assistive technology that combines the functional skills of the older person to reduce age-related decline of cognitive capabilities and assist the user where necessary. Based on intelligent audio and visual processing and reas ...
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Today's competitive and demanding world of business requires new networked applications and services capable of interoperation across variety of business domains and organizations of all sizes. iSURF will provide an intelligent collaborative supply chain planning network that will: 1.Realize a knowledge-oriented inter-enterprise collaboration environment in which distributed intelligence of multip ...
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Genetic Message Oriented Secure Middleware (GEMOM)

Date du début: 1 janv. 2008, Date de fin: 30 juin 2010,

The core scientific focus of GEMOM is the significant and measurable increase in end-to-end intelligence and resilience of complex, distributed information systems. GEMOM's definition of intelligence and resilience include:- Insensitivity or significant reduction in sensitivity to individual and sometimes multiple faults in the system. Fault is defined as any deterioration of the functional profil ...
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Software systems continue to be crippled by security vulnerabilities. One of the reasons for this is that information on known vulnerabilities is not easily available to software developers, or integrated into the tools they use. The main objective of SHIELDS is to increase software security by bridging the gap between security experts and software practitioners and by providing the software dev ...
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Recognition of the freedom of movement for workers and employees within the EU also entails that the foundations for better mobility of EU and non-EU citizens have to be laid, especially after EU enlargement. Some recent surveys point out how a lack of appropriate information can cause an uneven distribution of immigrants among EU countries. Here Public Employment Services (PES) have to work toget ...
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