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25 projets européens trouvés

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... Achievements: The InCompass project is a partnership of 15 institutions across 12 European regions: Scotland, Spain, Netherlands, Lithuania, Greece, Slovakia, Italy, England, Portugal, Sweden, Hungary and Bulgaria. The aim of the project is to support increased self-sustainability of creative industries business incubator units. Led by Lead Part ...
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Adriatic - Danube - Black Sea multimodal platform (ADB multiplatform)

Date du début: 31 mars 2012, Date de fin: 29 sept. 2014,

The idea of the project is to develop and promote environmentally friendly, multimodal transport solutions from the ports in the SEE programme area (Black Sea, Aegean, Adriatic) to inland countries and regions along a selected pilot transnational network. This will be done by developing and establishing a "multimodal transport development platform", which integrates different regions and stakehold ...
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The Alpine and the Carpathian Conventions state sustainable tourism mobility as a challenge and call for cooperation on this topic among the countries of these mountain regions. In particular sustainable tourist mobility is not well-developed in mountainous regions, especially in South-East Europe, as mountain regions are lacking sufficient sustainable transport facilities and facing major ecologi ...
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...n EU & global level.These considerations brought about the idea of a cluster conference in May 2009, organised by partnership behind ClusterCOOP, where the Visegrad 4(Hungary, Poland, Czech Republic, Slovakia) discussed strategies for enhanced cooperation with the participation of policy level representatives, clusters & experts.Creating and enhancing framework conditions for the effective cross-r ...
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Materials sciences and engineering (MS&E) are significant innovation drivers within the Central European area and thus crucial for competitiveness and economic growth. The MS&E sector has its particularities like: frequent introduction of new material technologies, existing requirements and specifications frequently do not fit the unique features of advanced material and the sectors complexity req ...
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The European Commission considers the Danube Region as one of the most important areas in Europe and has set up a macro-regional strategy encouraging long term co-operation to tackle a wide range of policy challenges. The capital cities of Vienna, Prague, Budapest, Bratislava and Ljubljana wish to play an active role in this co-operation. These big cities are important drivers of development. The ...
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South East European Transport Axis Cooperation (SEETAC)

Date du début: 31 mars 2009, Date de fin: 30 mars 2012,

The existing SEE transport framework & network are inadequate to actual requirements. For too long the relevant institutions were concentrating on national infrastructures where most of the investments have been made to the detriment of the trans-national implications. Current transport facilities, mostly in the non-EU countries are way beneath international standards mainly because of insufficien ...
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The Validation of Maintenance Technicians project will develop a validation tool to make it possible to measure knowledge and proficiency in the maintenance area. The group of maintenance technicians, which is the core force for maintaining the reliable function of advanced systems in industry, will in the years to come be in short supply. This, together with the fast technical development towards ...
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Although there are no exhaustive figures on mobility in IVT, the number of apprentices undertaking training in another Member State is nonetheless estimated at 1% on average, even if the number of opportunities for mobility doubled between 2002 and 2005 thanks to the European Commission’s incentive policy. An in-depth study (Move it) has identified several obstacles to mobility, including legal ...
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The NFATEC project will develop a two-part training programme, for Engineers in the Construction industry, involving a combination of self-learning and web-based tutor interaction. The programme will be aimed both at existing employees and recent graduates considering entry to the sector.Existing materials, developed through the previously funded Leonardo da Vinci project 'SSEDTA', will be adapted ...
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The Waste Training Tool project will develop a flexible, interactive, waste management training tool on CD-Rom for use primarily by SMEs in the planning and implementation of effective waste management.Tighter control on environmental impacts and growing recognition of the inherent value of waste requires companies to have a more detailed understanding of their resource consumption, process effici ...
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The NEXT project aims at adapting training and educational methodology in order to provide a more effective answer with regard to the development of social skills. Project partners will initially undergo a comparative survey at European level, with regard to the use of experience-based training methods and techniques and, based upon identified best practice, will define and introduce an innovative ...
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The project PESCALEX aims at creating CLIL (content and language integrated learning) courses in fish health/disease. Target languages are EL, ES, EN, FR, PL, NO. The project targets areas where aquaculture is important (Greece, Ireland, Norway, Spain, Poland, France. Target groups are vocational and tertiary students and trainers, fish farm workers. Potential users are training institutions and S ...
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...y (NL),- applicant, Swedish University of Agricultural Science (SE), Czech University of Life Sciences (CZ), Hohenheim University (DE), University of Natural Resources and Applied Life Sciences (AT), Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra (SK), University of Granada (ES), Szent Istvan University (HU), Politechnico di Torino (I), SupAgro (FR), Georg-August Universitat Gottingen (D), University L ...
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This project will develop courses and training tools for the promotion of autonomous learning of science, thereby improving the learning process. This will be done by the integration of a virtual and the real laboratory using computer-based laboratory simulations. There does not appear to be a link, at the moment, between real and virtual laboratories. For more effective teaching, various ICT tool ...
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The URBAX2 project, which follows on from a project carried out in the first phase of the Leonardo Da Vinci programme (URBAX) plans to adapt and re-apply the results of the previous project with the participation of the candidate countries.Since the educational objective is to understand urban planning in a market-economy / private-property context, the network will look at the situation in the va ...
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REDILEM will develop a system of Distance Learning to improve the lifelong acquisition of skills and competencies, primarily for SME Managers in rural areas, where access to traditional learning environments is difficult.The system to be developed will comprise three learning elements: e-learning, self-learning and regular meetings of self-learning groups of entrepreneurs.Course topics will includ ...
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Professionals in the water sector have a water-specific vocabulary (water supply, purification of urban, rural and industrial effluent, and the integrated management of water resources). Foreign language courses do not include the specialised vocabulary.The AQUA'Lingua project is designed to create a language learning tool for water professionals. To this end the partnership includes sectoral play ...
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EINET will establish itself as a multi-level network to encourage entrepreneurship and innovative training amongst young European citizens. Partners representing 17 countries will be established at 4 levels (local, regional, national & transnational) comprising core players, permanent relay points and occasional correspondents.Primary activities of the network will include the creation of a 'Virtu ...
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I C Training as the answer : Hardware and software platforms have been developed with an accompanying methodology and two modular training courses. These courses will help train company staff in the applyication of ICTs to a variety of areas of business activity. This project started in 2002 and lasted 36 months.
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This project focuses on the need for people working in SMEs in Central and East European countries to have easy access to cost-effective competence based training. This partnership of training organisations, universities, chambers of commerce, trade unions and employer organisations gathers together expertise based on practical experience available within the partnership that has been developed o ...
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This Action seeks to enhance human and institutional capacity in water resources management and strategies in Central Asia. Specifically, it will implement a Masters Programme in Water Resources Management and create national Resource Centres in Water Resources Management in each target country. Bringing together key universities in the region, this Action will enhance scientific cooperation in wa ...
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A clear documentation of learning objectives, educational process, learning context, learning outcomes and management system is an essential and necessary aspect of the QA of SPs.The project aims to define and to implement an on-line documentation system for the QA of SPs in the PCs, consistent with the European Standards and Guidelines for QA. This aim will be pursued through the cooperation of a ...
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...the purpose to improve the analytical practice in the field of environmental monitoring.Main features of the Project:• NETREL project consortium consists of 7 universities: 3 EU universities (Slovakia, Czech Republic, United Kingdom) and 4 partner country universities (Serbia and Bosnia & Herzegovina).• Public laboratories from local, regional and national level in Serbia and Bosnia and Herzegovin ...
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AGRIVOC project focuses on the improvement of vocational studies in agriculture (crop rpotection, animal husbandry, viticulture & viniculture, farming and crop protection), and food technology. The project aims to upgrade the knowledge base and practical ability of students to work in agricultural and food related field by improving the curriculum of courses, subjects and methods of teaching and b ...
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