Rechercher des projets européens

7 projets européens trouvés

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...ements for students from non-traditional backgrounds as well as the overall attractiveness of the sector. Also, government commitments to action lines such as ECTS, the development and alignment of national qualifications frameworks, the European Standards and Guidelines for Quality Assurance and an increased focus on employability will require major efforts to be fully implemented by the 2010 dea ...
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Increasing equal opportunities has always been a priority area of the student movement. The project 'equity through e-learning' aims to train student representatives to help and implement policies in order to increase equity and efficiency in their own higher education institutions and countries.
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The European Quality Assurance Forum aims to bring together the different actors of the European quality assurance community on an annual basis for discussion and exchange on current issues in quality assurance. The third forum, whose title is 'New Trends in Quality Assurance' will concentrate on new and innovative developments in the sector such as learning outcomes and qualification frameworks a ...
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...r education beyond 2010, and examine the decisive role of quality assurance in the European Higher Education Area. In the long run, the EQAF will foster a dialogue on quality assurance that bridges national boundaries and leads to a truly European discussion on quality assurance in higher education. Furthermore, it will create a common European understanding of quality assurance through direct com ...
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The project will develop a European Web-based Portal, a Clearing House for Virtual Internships, to provide students in distance Higher Education with the possibility to obtain an international learning experience through Virtual Mobility. Students sign up for a virtual assignment to those organisations that fulfil the criteria of having challenging Virtual Internship descriptions. The Web-based Po ...
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...on, students are the obvious group to claim their place in this debate. Increasing equal opportunities has always been a priority area of the student movement. In the twenty-five years that ESIB "The National Unions of Students" in Europe has existed, a great knowledge library has been developed on this topic. By being active in institutional governance structures, national consultation structures ...
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...ities of the HE world, to foster the communication andthe interaction between transversal learning communities in the field of ICT integrationof teaching and learning, organise events supporting transnational exchange andcooperation and supporting networking. The main outcomes of the networking action will be the peer reviewmethod implemented and exploited, and the networking itself as well, and t ...
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