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3 projets européens trouvés

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The project will develop well-targeted and sound communication material that raises awareness on our (individual and collective) responsibility and interest in ensuring the sustainability of the ocean and of its ecosystems. The project builds on critical assessments of: (1) existing communication strategies, material and governance that focuses on the ocean; (2) the values, perceptions and underst ...
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Date du début: 1 juil. 2013, Date de fin: 31 déc. 2015,

"More than seventy percent of all technical innovations today depend directly or indirectly on the development of advanced materials. Advanced materials have been identified as one of the 6 Key Enabling Technologies, of systemic relevance that feed many different cooperating business sectors. Exactly because of the complicated nature of their role as technology enablers, advanced materials many ti ...
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The clue of the cooperation is the jointly prepared, approved Development Concept of June 2001, consisting of a concrete strategy and action plan including a number of different sub-projects. The strategy and action plan involve seven strategic fields, i.e. business development, mobility of people, infrastructure and transport, environment, nature and landscape, culture, knowledge exchange and lea ...
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