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4 projets européens trouvés

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In this project, a new strategy for the technological and professional training is presented. This strategy is based on the use, in a broad and collaborative way, of a technological platform for the remote theoretical/practical learning via the Internet of systems of telephony, telematics and microprocessors.The main results are:-Development of an e-learning platform as support for the project.-De ...
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... are superior to the usual learning practices. Because the project will be done in cooperation with six European institutions, the products will be available in: Portuguese, French, English, Greek, Swedish and Hungarian.
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Description:SESAMO project exploited the results of previous Leonardo da Vinci projects and ECVET indications in order to reach two specific aims:contributing to the transparency of the VET systems by enabling other Partner countries to employ the established linkscontributing to the mutual recognition of the vocational learning outcomes reached in mobility contexts (BEATRIC and ECVET). The method ...
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The rapid development of microelectronics devices and their assembling technologies is accompanied by the dramatic change of the knowledge required from all technical personnel (engineers, technicians, skilled or even unskilled workers) employed in this field. The main aims and objectives of the projects are to adapt and integrate the innovative content and results already existing at some univers ...
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