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2 projets européens trouvés

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 TERMINÉ education. DOIT's Principal multi-dimensional program includes design, piloting and integrating into the curriculum of participating partners HEIs in IL and GEO: educational modules (EM) for students and in-service teachers (WP1.2 and WP3.1); teacher-training workshops for faculty (WP1.4 and WP3.2); activities which promote inter-cultural relations (WP1.3 and WP3.3); A portal (WP2); A qual ...
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L03 - South Med. - oPt/Israël

Date du début: 15 juil. 2009,

... have been suggested by Lot 3 partners on the basis of existing cooperation.TG1 mobility is arranged according to the partner institutions’ needs. Most Israeli HEIs are interested in sending Ba/Ma students to Europe for one semester (often, but not exclusively, in EU studies and international law), whereas Palestinian students need opportunities to complete full Ma or PhD programmes. Through its ...
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