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4 projets européens trouvés

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European IntercultuRal Education towards a New Era of Understanding

Date du début: 1 mai 2015, Date de fin: 30 avr. 2016,

The EIRENE project is a mobility project which foresees a Training Course for youth workers, youth leaders, youth advisors and project managers working in the field of youth. After 70 years of relatively peaceful coexistence, the European societies has been tested by the recent economic crisis and have been pushed back bringing to the fore issues as political fragmentation, social conflict, discr ...
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Sport is a powerful tool for socioeconomic development and personal & collective wellbeing. In research & higher education this involves the expansion of Physical Education (PE) into Sport Science (SpS), accounting for much wider scope & new science, implications & job market needs: in teaching, training, management, health, social work, etc. Many West Balkan (WB) countries, with their growing ec ...
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...cially Roma, persons with disabilities, rural population, young people from lower education families and other underrepresented groups.This project addresses identified problems of diversification of student body entering and completing HE by addressing following set of activities organized in nine work packages.First set of activities encompasses improvement of the policy framework for diversifyi ...
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Training Course "European Dream"

Date du début: 1 mars 2011,

"European Dream" ¡s a training course for youth leaders to improve the quality of the projects of the youth in action programme they participate in and aims to improve the integration of young people with fewer opportunities such as minorities and their active participation in these projects and in public life. This 6 days training course will give the participants the possibility to improve their ...
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