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2 projets européens trouvés

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"AFTER project addresses the challenges posed by the need for vulnerability evaluation and contin-gency planning of the energy grids and energy plants considering also the relevant ICT systems used in protection and control.Project emphasis is on cascading events that can cause catastrophic outages of the electric power systems.The main addressed problems are related to high impact wide spread mul ...
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European French Resarcher's Night 2008 (EFReNi)

Date du début: 1 juin 2008, Date de fin: 31 déc. 2008,

For the fourth year of the European demonstration the Night of the Researchers, 13 French partners met to propose projects having to bring the citizen and the researcher to be met.
The diversity of the operators will offer to the visitors a diversity of proposal, participant in a discovery of this individual who is the researcher. We will find ourselves in the cities like Strasbourg, Mulhouse, Bes ...
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