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5 projets européens trouvés

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Electrification of public transport in cities (ELIPTIC)

Date du début: 1 juin 2015, Date de fin: 31 mai 2018,

The overall aim of ELIPTIC is to develop new use concepts and business cases to optimise existing electric infrastructure and rolling stock, saving both money and energy. ELIPTIC will advocate electric public transport sector at the political level and help develop political support for the electrification of public transport across Europe. ELIPTIC looks at three thematic pillars:• Safe integratio ...
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Zero Emission bUs Systems (ZEEUS)

Date du début: 1 nov. 2013, Date de fin: 30 avr. 2017,

Electrification of the public transport is a raising trend in Europe, and electric buses are soon expected to enter markets as one of the most interesting options for matching urban environmental targets. Electrification is driven by both economics and politics. However, although technology is not yet fully matured and ready for wide commercialisation, a large demonstration project will facilitat ...
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BRIGIT aims to develop a cost-competitive and environmentally friendly continuous process to produce biopolymers (polyhydroxybutyrate, PHB, and succinate-based biopolyesters, PBS-Poly-Butylene-Succinate) from waste-derived lignocelullosic sugar feedstock liquor of wood sulphite pulping process based on “in-situ” fermentation process and new fermentation culture technology without alteration of the ...
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"The Coordination Action CAPIRE will prepare and support the realization of a Public Private Partnership (PPP) sustaining and putting into practice the European Green Cars Initiative. Its activities will be focussed on two major fields: a careful consideration of options for the aims, shape, and implementation paths a PPP, and the identification of technology roadblocks and the respective research ...
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Hybrid Commercial Vehicle (HCV)

Date du début: 1 janv. 2010, Date de fin: 30 juin 2014,

The HCV project aims to develop urban buses and delivery vehicles with advanced second generation of energy efficient hybrid electric powertrains in line with objectives in topic SST 2008.3.1.5. The final result will be the demonstration of a passenger bus and a distribution truck with this advanced technology. In addition early second generation buses and distribution trucks will be demonstrated ...
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