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2 projets européens trouvés

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Discover Europe - "Azubis ins Ausland"

Date du début: 1 juin 2016, Date de fin: 31 mai 2018,

...nships in the European regions covered by ERASMUS+ autononomously. Further partners of the project are local companies, our European twin schools in France, Spain and Poland as well as our twin towns Scarborough (UK) and Ostroda (Poland). The aim of this project is to meet the increasing demand of trainees with work experience abroad. Not only can the students learn the theoretical aspects of th ...
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Background The EU has a long and complex coastline where natural hazards, including instability, erosion, coastal flooding, landslides and hydrogeological elements present significant risks to land use and development. Intensive coastal development and continuing development pressures are exacerbating challenges posed to coastal communities by the impact ...
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