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7 projets européens trouvés

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The XoSoft project will develop a modular soft lower-limb exoskeleton to assist people with mobility impairments. The consortium includes 5 research groups and 3 companies each with EU project experience in exoskeleton/assistive orthoics development. XoSoft, a class I medical device, assists people with low to moderate levels of reduced mobility, enabling them to remain active performing tasks of ...
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Micro-ring resonator-based biophotonic system for food analysis (BIOFOS)

Date du début: 1 nov. 2013, Date de fin: 31 oct. 2016,

Current methodologies for detection of food contamination based on heavy analytical tools cannot guarantee a safe and stable food supply. The reasons are the complexity, the long time-to-result (2-3 days) and the cost of these tools, which limit the number of samples that can be practically analyzed at food processing and storage sites. The need for screening tools that will be still reliable but ...
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Sustainable Urban Fringes (SURF)

Date du début: 31 août 2009, Date de fin: 30 août 2012,

SURF focuses on the urban fringe (social /economic/environmental) and developing instruments in which to manage a sustainable urban frindge (UF). In addition, the project aims to put the UF higher on the political agenda within the partner regions, at national and regional governments and at EU level. In most cases the UFs act as the hinterland of the urban centres, are of complex shape with a sc ...
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North Sea Screen Partnership (NSSP)

Date du début: 30 sept. 2008, Date de fin: 30 mars 2012,

NSSP seeks to tap the potential of the creative industries (i.e. the film industry) to promote innovation and growth in the NSR and increase the regions competitiveness in a global context. Transnational cooperation is concentrated on common challenges, such as marketing, financing and SME support is proposed to tackle issues such as fragmented national markets inhibiting critical mass creation (d ...
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The VOICE of European TeacherS

Date du début: 1 nov. 2012,

The VOICE of European TeacherS (VOICES) is a network, which connects students as future teachers, teachers, teacher trainers in Europe. New is the connection with researchers and persons of other institutes connected to the educational field. The network promotes the European dimension, innovative educational ideas and research. The overall aim is to implement European Teacher competences (key com ...
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Preamble The foundation of an academic ERASMUS network of HEI in Europe in the filed of career guidance degree and study programs can be seen as the implementation of the recommendations of the European Commission and the OECD made on the basis of their comprehensive studies carried out in the last eight years.» The planned ERASMUS network emphasises the unique wide-ranging scientific responsibili ...
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The project stems from the need to investigate and coordinate the roles andcompetences of teachers in Europe (as mentioned in the Lisbon guidelines), at thelevels of both initial and in-service teacher training. The participants in the project areinstitutions which provide initial and/or continuing teacher training. All of them playimportant roles in their countries/regions as the educators of fut ...
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