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3 projets européens trouvés

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SHARE Academic Network

Date du début: 1 oct. 2010,

Through the SHARE Academic Network (STEP CHANGE HIGHER ARTS RESEARCH + EDUCATION), the European Higher Arts Education sector delivers a systematically coordinated STEP CHANGE in realising an EU-wide integrated enhancement of 3rd cycle creative education. The 3rd cycle in higher arts education is the essential education and research bed for the creative industries, a key fast growing sector in Euro ...
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The impact envisagedContemporary society is characterized by mass media communication, present in every cultural and professional activity: there is therefore a general need for people to be flexible to innovation and to communicate in an efficient and concise way. Cartoons (comics/animation/illustration) are useful and practical tools, mirroring a universal barrier-free language, able to facilit ...
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The creative partnership network ‘Artesnet Europe’ sees itself as a Europe-wide ‘community of practice’, connecting practitioners from the creative/cultural sector, teaching staff from art schools, educators, and artistic researchers from almost all EU-countries, Iceland, Norway, and Turkey. The network develops new approaches in learning, teaching and research in the arts in a rapidly changing Eu ...
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