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3 projets européens trouvés

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The main aim of the project is to establish a transnational network in biotechnology and public health in order to pool innovative knowledge for vocational training in these sectors. To this end, a virtual training centre will be established bringing together individual experts and organisations in the target sectors. The project benefits from some of the partners' involvement in a previously-fund ...
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The global impact of serious environmental problems is increasingly conscious for companies and employees. But despite all regulations and economic incentives, the main issue is a lack of coherent ideology surrounding organisational and corporate responses. Particularly environmental ethics could bring a significant contribution, to create the necessary awareness about the increasing responsibilit ...
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The main aim of the project is to transfer a relevant and innovative systemic procedure for assurance of international shift of vocationalqualifications based on EQF(European Qualifications Framework) principles and createa broad multilingual e-platform for EU target audience.
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