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32 projets européens trouvés

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ERA-NET for materials research and innovation (M-ERA.NET 2)

Date du début: 1 mars 2016, Date de fin: 28 févr. 2021,

M-ERA.NET 2 aims at coordinating the research efforts of the participating EU Member States, Associated States and Regions as well as of selected global partners in materials research and innovation, including materials for low carbon energy technologies and related production technologies.A large network of 43 national and regional funding organisations from 23 EU Members States and Associated St ...
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Network of STRAits (NOSTRA)

Date du début: 31 déc. 2011, Date de fin: 30 déc. 2014,

...f the NOSTRA project organised the first study visit in Kvarken Council. The study visit program was designed in order to give the delegates an insight into several important aspects of the Kvarken Region such as transport and logistics, nature, natural heritage, local and regional governance... The partners had the opportunity to learn about the functioning of the Kvarken Council, which is a cro ...
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... project theme is FORESTRY as key resource for rural development, environment protection and quality of life, as it is addressed not only by EU policies (eg. EU Forestry Action Plan) but also by the regional policies of all the partners involved, mostly in their rural development plans or structural funds plans.The project idea was born out of previous successful Interreg III C projects (Robinwo ...
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...50 Communication Plan 1 Project Website 1 for the project by LP+ 1Contribution in the Cambridgeshire Website by Uk partners e-magazine 5 Project Launch Conference 1 Thematic Congress of the Project 1 Regional Capitalization Seminars 3 Think tank 1 The Knowledge Fair 1 Coordination and Monitoring Committee meetings 6 Steering Committee meetings 3 Management coordination Seminar 1 Management Manual ...
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...ED wants to establish the relation between the Shipping Container Terminals and the Short Sea Shipping (SSS) in the Mediterranean basin. Moreover, the project will also put the different national and regional administrations in contact with each other in order to identify which are the customs difficulties for this type of transport and also will make some proposals to the public administrations w ...
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Background Many of the Mediterranean coastal and marine habitats of the Lazio region in central Italy and of Calabria in the south are under threat directly, or indirectly, from human activities. The ancient coastal/ marine landscapes boast a “mosaic” of rare and threatened habitats listed in the EU habitats directive. The areas boast eight coastal or ...
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Mediterranean Technology Led Incubator Co-Operation (MEDI-CUBE)

Date du début: 31 mai 2006, Date de fin: 30 mars 2009,

The project MEDI-CUBE is addressing the problem of relatively low performance of target areas in innovation capacity compared to Northern European member states. The innovation index for Greece is 0.20, for Cyprus is 0.17, for Italy is 0.31 comparing to EU-15 which is 0.44 (source European Innovation Scoreboard 2004 Comparative Analysis of Innovation Performance). The project aims at enhancing the ...
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...itage values are restored and sustainably managed, the historic environment may serve as an agent for tourism. The project HERODOT aims to research and promote tailor-made heritage strategies for the regions involved, improve heritage presentation tools and methods, the quality of marketing, train experts and local agents on a multidisciplinary basis. A further vital aim is to allow regional actor ...
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...nd planning. Such activities will be carried on by the project partners and by the involvement of several local end-users and stakeholders (ARPAB, CNR-IMAA, ALSIA and METES) operating in the selected regions. They will provide data and tools for analyses and modelling as well as supporting the results dissemination and the training activity which represent a further pilot action to be implemented ...
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The main objective of the project is to assist MED-ISOLAE islands to improve their environment and maintain sustainability via: (1) Environmental ISO procedures, (2) Environmental SDI (spatial data infrastructure) technology, (3) ISO & SDI pilot applications, and (4) A dissemination plan that includes a Portal and an ISO Topic Centre. Promoting a sounder & more sustainable evolution (environmental ...
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Weather Risk Reduction in the Central and Eastern Mediterranean (RISKMED)

Date du début: 31 mai 2006, Date de fin: 29 juin 2008,

...tions (mainly from satellites since a major part of ARCHIMED domain is covered by the sea) as well as from high-resolution weather and wave models. In collaboration with the end-users of the project (regional authorities and civil defense agencies) the weather and wave forecasts will be tailored according to their specific needs and the final warning system will be constructed and operated, dissem ...
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Many areas of the Mediterranean, particularly islands and coastal zones suffer from droughts and water shortages which cause heavy impacts on economies, societies and the environment at local or regional scales. The project PRODIM aims at formulating a methodological framework to confront drought and water shortage through systematic application of principles of proactive planning. Specifically, t ...
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Discovering Magna Grecia (DIMA)

Date du début: 31 mai 2006, Date de fin: 29 avr. 2008,

The fundamental study phase is followed by the ensuing operational project phase, which is inserted in the national network of I Parchi Letterari®, managed by the Ippolito Nievo Foundation under the patronage of UNESCO. “DIMA” is a cultural project that, by means of the study, protection and integrated and sustainable management of cultural, natural, landscape and economic resources, contributes t ...
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The project OPEN IT will address the problems of high infrastructure and licensing costs regarding software and the continuous need for hardware upgrades (in order to stay current). Main objectives of the project are: 1. Promotion of ICT in SMEs by providing inexpensive IT solutions 2. Development of policies & exchange of know-how in the fields of IT use in public administration 3. Promotion of t ...
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New mobility sceneries in the FREE trade zone in MEDiterranean basin (FREEMED)

Date du début: 31 mai 2006, Date de fin: 27 févr. 2008,

...). Indeed, the expected surplus on transport demand across Europe towards FTZ countries is expected to be about 5.1% in the short term and 16.5% in the long term, with a greater increase for southern regions. The appraisal of such complex and retroactive phenomena requires a methodological approach based on a system of models. This could lead to a quantitative evaluation of these effects, represen ...
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...HIMED area no parks still joined the Charter. The project ARCHICHARTER aims at enhancing Charter’s implementation, stimulating public/private synergies inside the parks and among parks of different regions. Moreover, the project aims at integrating the Charter with elements of additional tools such as EMAS, Local Agenda 21, Ecolabel. Project partners are mainly administrators of protected areas or ...
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moting Womens Health and Safe Motherhood (WHEALTH)

Date du début: 31 mai 2006, Date de fin: 30 déc. 2007,

The main aim of the project WHEALTH is the promotion of gender specific and gender sensitive prevention strategies at national and regional levels. Specifically, the project aims at: • Raising awareness on womens health and safe motherhood (cervical and breast cancer, breastfeeding etc). • Providing access to health information, especially to women in island and remote communities. • Strengthening ...
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Cycle Route Network of Mediterranean (CY.RO.N.MED)

Date du début: 31 mai 2006, Date de fin: 30 déc. 2007,

... network, (2) by linking up with territorial planning, and (3) by focusing on connectivity between cycle networks, sea and airports, and railway networks. Specific objectives are: 1. to establish a regional network for sustainable mobility; 2. to identify an interconnected cycling network constituted by part of the EuroVelo (No. 5,7,8,11 routes) and Bicitalia (No. 6,10,14 routes) cycle networks, c ...
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The CENTURIO programme, created by the Assembly of European Regions (AER) in 1994, has been successfully promoting dialogue and exchange of experience between European regions for several years. However, the enlargement of the EU in May 2004 served to illustrate that the European and global context for the regions is changing. Their growth and competitiveness depend on their capacity to develop in ...
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Problems addressed• Scarse coordination and programming of transnational and cross-border partnerships of EU regions with partners in the South Mediterranean shore and South-East Europe (neighbouring partners) and with external EU policies (MEDA, CARDS and future Neighbourhood instrument) Objectives• Identification of procedures to enhance the Regions’ role in the Interreg strategic programming (t ...
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Euromedsys II : Local Economic Systems to transnational cooperation (Euromedsys II)

Date du début: 31 mars 2005, Date de fin: 30 déc. 2006,

Dans un contexte de soutien à la transition économique et des enjeux posés par la construction future de la zone de libre échange prévue en 2010 dans la Méditerranée, le projet “Euromedsys” propose de contribuer à la croissance économique et au développement de la compétitivité des Systèmes Economiques Locaux de la Méditerranée à travers la valorisation de la qualité et de l’excellence. Le projet ...
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« Rural Med II » poursuit les objectifs du projet « Rural Med », réseau déchange dexpériences et de coordination dinitiatives en matière de développement rural auquel participent des régions des rives nord et sud de la Méditerranée. Cette seconde phase a pour objectif lélargissement du réseau déjà existant et la mise en œuvre de projets identifiés et dintérêt commun. Le réseau créé vise à optimise ...
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« REMOMED » sintéresse à lintermodalité des transports dans une perspective de développement spatial de la Méditerranée Occidentale. Le projet a pour objectif la réalisation dun réseau intermodal euro-méditerranéen capable de proposer lintégration et le développement de lefficience, de la sécurité et de la qualité du service offert. Il sagit de permettre lélaboration dun modèle de développement de ...
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« la Tela di aracne » sintéresse au développement de lentreprenariat féminin en Méditerranée, et plus particulièrement au sein de lindustrie textile. Le projet vise à favoriser lexpérimentation et la naissance dactivités entreprenariales féminines dans le secteur du textile. Ces activités sont le fruit du mélange de cultures, et sont issues aussi bien de la forte tradition que de la prédisposition ...
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« CASTRUM » s’interesse aux villes mineures de la côte occidentale de la Méditerranée, souvent caractérisées par la présence de châteaux, de donjons et de remparts. Le projet a pour objectif de valoriser ces villes en utilisant leurs bâtiments comme points d’excellence pour des activités culturelles, d’animation, et de documentation. Il s’agit d’améliorer l’action publique dans le domaine de la ge ...
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Euromedsys : Local Economic System of transnational cooperation (Euromedsys)

Date du début: 31 août 2002, Date de fin: 29 oct. 2004,

“Euromedsys” s’intéresse à la croissance économique et au développement de la compétitivité des Systèmes Economiques Locaux de la Méditerranée à travers la valorisation de la qualité et de l’excellence.Le projet devra élaborer un processus de coopération institutionnelle pour favoriser une intégration économique des deux rives de la Méditerranée en particulier sur les filières productives de « l’H ...
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« Rural Med » vise la création dun réseau déchange dexpériences et de coordination dinitiatives en matière de développement rural auquel participent les régions des rives nord et sud du Bassin méditerranéen. Ce réseau vise loptimisation et la promotion des processus de développement rural participatif dans le Bassin de la Méditerranée Occidentale grâce à léchange dexpériences, la diffusion des bon ...
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« Rinamed » sintéresse à la sensibilisation de la population de lespace Medocc face aux risques naturels. Le projet a pour objectif damener le citoyen à mieux connaître et appréhender les risques naturels auxquels il est potentiellement confronté, et à les considérer comme des servitudes à part entière. Il sagit de définir un cadre de prévention et dinformation commun à lespace méditerranéen europ ...
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« REPORTS » sintéresse au développement du transport maritime dans lespace Medocc. Le projet entend promouvoir la croissance et la qualification du transport maritime au sein des régions de la Méditerranée Occidentale, ainsi que le développement territorial intégré de la zone, avec une attention particulière aux caractéristiques spécifiques de linsularité. Il sagit de favoriser le développement du ...
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« Desertnet » s’intéresse à l'étude, au suivi et à la gestion durable des aires à risque de désertification au sein du Bassin méditerranéen. Le projet vise à réaliser une rationalisation des informations et des expériences technico-scientifiques acquises et élaborées pour les aires à risque individualisées par les programmes régionaux et nationaux. Une plate-forme de services, un réseau d’actions- ...
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« PORT NET MED PLUS » vise à mettre en place un réseau entre les régions et les ports de la Méditerranée Occidentale. Il doit conduire à la mise en place dune initiative de coopération et de coordination des ports et des régions de lespace Medocc, au renforcement de la centralisation des régions et des ports par rapport à lorganisation territoriale européenne, à la réalisation de campagnes de prom ...
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The SWAP project aims to develop, disseminate and promote a model of good practice for the recognition and certification of skills acquired in the workplace or in a non-formal environment, with a focus upon the building sector. Project partners will initially prepare a definition of common job profiles, followed by the development of a skills portfolio or ‘training pass’ for use by employees wishi ...
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