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3 projets européens trouvés

Recherche sur 125080 projets européens

The project 'Volunteering in a multicultural, minority surrounding can change lives' wants to contribute to the people living in the local area with social difficulties in a minority surrounding. The goal of the project is to care for the weakest in the society (the excluded, lonely and isolated persons by offering social contact, food, a chat and help to solve social and personal problems. The pr ...
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The Danish Diaconal Year has a vast diversity of social projects, where the volunteers are dealing with inter-religious dialogue, anti-discrimination, disabilty, minorities, eldercare, welfare, education and health issues.29 volunteers from 14 different countries are participatin, They come from Czech Rep., France, Germany, Greese, Hungary, Italy, poland, Romania, Russia, Slovakia, Spain, Turkey, ...
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The project titled Companionship in the "Journey to the Unknown" - Mental Health Training for Voluntary Service Organisations will be a training held in Miko ajki, Poland 2nd- 6th May, 2011. We will discuss international and intercultural youth voluntary service as a double journey: into another culture and into getting to know oneself deeper.The theme "health" is chosen, because we as voluntary s ...
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