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3 projets européens trouvés

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INFRALERT aims to develop an expert-based information system to support and automate linear asset infrastructure management from measurement to maintenance. This enfolds the collection, storage and analysis of inspection data, the deduction of interventions to keep the performance of the network in optimal condition, and the optimal planning of maintenance interventions. It will also assess new co ...
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eDIGIREGION is a unique collaborative project that brings together a balanced blend of complimentary and experienced partners from four diverse regions. The sixteen (16) people involved in formulating this proposal are senior executives and decision makers in their respective organisations. These partners have embarked upon, are committed to, and have already demonstrated the power of transnationa ...
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Facilitate IT-providing SMEs by Operation-related Models and Methods (FACIT-SME)

Date du début: 1 janv. 2010, Date de fin: 30 juin 2012,

"The FACIT SME project addresses SMEs operating in the ICT domain. The goals are (a) to facilitate the use of Software Engineering (SE) methods and to systematize their application integrated with the business processes, (b) to provide efficient and affordable certification of these processes according to internationally accepted standards, and (c) to securely share best practices, tools and exper ...
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