Rechercher des projets européens

4 projets européens trouvés

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Transalpine Transport Architects (TRANSITECTS)

Date du début: 30 juin 2009, Date de fin: 29 juin 2012,

In TRANSITECTS public institutions design common transnational intermodal solutions for freight transport in the Alpine Space. In the partnership different interests (economy, environment and transport) are integrated which is of crucial importance for a sustainable solution. Main aim of the project is to make the rail network more attractive and hence to foster its accessibility and functionality ...
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Integrated Concepts Enhancing Cohesion of European Space (COHESION)

Date du début: 31 déc. 2002, Date de fin: 30 mars 2006,

European rural areas are confronted with serious problems, with which they have to cope in order to survive. The globalisation of the economy and the new CAP result to strengthening competition and shrinking competitiveness of European agricultural products and areas. Their exposure to the international market beside the imminent EU enlargement, are expected to threaten the cohesion of the Europea ...
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The project aims to transfer an Operators Training Package, tested by various Italian partners, for the integrated management of the training services and active labour policies. This package, inclusive of contents, training and assistance methods, operating and theoretical support media, allows to start up in some Italian regions and in other European countries, a Continuous Training Service for ...
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Knowledge-based entrepreneurship that turns research results into marketable products or services is highly valued and supported in the policies of EU countries as it adds to the competitiveness of any economy and is essential for achieving the Lisbon goals. However, intellectual entrepreneurship in Europe is still underdeveloped. Numerous studies show that lack of entrepreneurial spirit and knowl ...
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